drying outdoors in high humidity


Active Member
I am expecting humidity to be around 80-ish when i chop my plants. should be about 15-ish plants.
they can't be brought inside, no i don't have a shed.

i know the brown bag method but with the high humidity i would think my chances of mold would be high especially considering i probably wouldn't be able to visit everyday.

sooo i was thinking, large rubermaid tub with lots of holes. use a screen to line the inside then put a layer of buds in, put another layer of screen/paper put another layer of buds followed by another screen.

doesn't solve the humidity problem but atleast the buds won't be touching.

I am very open to suggestions, i know the easiest way is to leave them in paper bags and i would be all for it especially since its stealthy but i would almost certainly get mold.


Well-Known Member
With Humidity So High I would Break the Buds Down Very Small, Remove As Much Large Stem And Fan Leaf As Possible, And Go Against Conventional Wisdom, And Let A Fan Blow Across Them Gently to keep the air Moving Around them :)


I would build a larger box around it to keep the inner box with your buds a little cooler, if you can, even put a couple fans inside the outter box to keep the tempature down


Well-Known Member
I grew outdoors in Ga for a few years many moons ago. I was down south so I dried in an old tobacco barn. Are you in north or south?


Undercover Mod
I was thinking this year about taking a plastic tote and filling it with salt along the bottom and brown bagging buds in it. Idk how well it will work


Active Member
nvm guys, i have decided to dry indoors and build like 3 carbon scrubbers to go on my drying box. the problem was the smell for the weed drying but carbon is cheap enough to fix that problem.