Dry Ice? Will it Work

This is my first grow. I have a plant that is a few months old now and it just went through some trauma about a week ago. My light fell on my plant and snapped my stem in half. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it "Topped" my plant for me. Now i have tied all the remaining branches down and out to promote new growth along the branch before i send her into flower mode.
I am wondering if anyone has used Dry Ice to increase the plant growth. I understand how dry ice works and that its frozen CO2 but because i only have the one plant now and i dont want any more tragedy to strike will this be safe. I can place a small 1lb block in the same area so the plant can absorb the CO2.
Has any one used Dry Ice before?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sure it would work, as long as you tent/growroom, is sealed, at least fairly well. Um,...where do you plan to get all the dry ice? IDK how long it would take for 1lb to evaporate, but I can't imagine it lasting more than a few hours. At any rate, even if you somehow made it last 12 hours, you'd need 50+ pounds to keep using it all the way through flowering. Probably alot more than that.

Personally, I'd love to have an endless supply of the stuff. I'd be using it, for sure.
In some of the reading online about dry ice i have found that if you just place it down and let it Evaporate or "melt" at its regular speed 1lb will last about 24 hours maybe a little bit less. When you place it in water the evap process goes by much faster but i dont know if that is ok for the plant or if thats too many PPM. You can buy dry ice at your local grocery store or even a local ice cream shop may sell it. There is a vendor for dry ice where i live. Its not that bad of a price about $1-2 per pound.


Well-Known Member
In some of the reading online about dry ice i have found that if you just place it down and let it Evaporate or "melt" at its regular speed 1lb will last about 24 hours maybe a little bit less. When you place it in water the evap process goes by much faster but i dont know if that is ok for the plant or if thats too many PPM. You can buy dry ice at your local grocery store or even a local ice cream shop may sell it. There is a vendor for dry ice where i live. Its not that bad of a price about $1-2 per pound.
Hmm...that sorta makes me jealous, that you have dry ice readily available, ya bastard.lol :wink: IDK, sounds like it could be a really good idea, being that it's cost ya less than $2 a day. It might not raive it up to 1500 PPM, as most guys shoot for, but you should still be able to at least double what's aready in the air, which to me, sounds like it'd be beneficial. I mean, how could it not be? But, there no real way to know what levels you'd achieve, unless you have a meter to test CO2 concentration. IMO, it'd definitely raise the CO2 levels, and as long as you can keep your grow sealed pretty well, would be worth it