Drug TEST for Federal Work Study Job? (San Joaquin Delta College)


Does anyone have any experience working at school on a Federal Work Study grant program? I am just wondering if they will make me pee in a cup.

I have already turned in contract, refferal, application, got the TB test (negative), and had my fingerprints taken. I have not officially interviewed with the head of the department (food service) but the HR says I'm hired if I turned in my refferal to the financial aide office. So all I'm doing is waiting for a call from HR about my background check. (I have 2 felonies, non drug related) And I'm waiting for school to start in a week.

Do you think they'll make me piss? Last time I medicated was July 16. That was 22 days ago. I really would like to take a chill pill, you know? Especially since alot of people (who don't work at school) are saying they wont do it. I don't believe them because it a FEDERAL work study grant. The FEDS man, the f***ing FEDS are going to pay me.

I hope my piss is clean. At the rate I was toking It'll probably take me 2 months to get cleaned.

I have no money to detox, so don't tell me to blaze up and detox right before school.


Well-Known Member
they will almost definately piss test you.....your piss should be clean by now. when you smoke ALOT your body metabolizes the THC out faster believe it or not. i literally got picked up by cops at 3am one night had just smoked a fat 7 gram super blunt lol i got piss tested like 3-4 days after and my cannabinoid levels were barely enough to pop on the test. i was blown away haha i thought i would be off the charts i smoke roughly 7-14 oz a day almost all blunts so lol i figured i would be too high for the test to measure haha i was wrong


Active Member
Not all federal jobs piss test. Its luck of the draw. Federal UA's don't test ph levels so they are easier to beat.


So someone who works at school said they wont test me. (Still haven't done anything) If I did smoke a bowl or two, does anyone know what cleanse/detox actually works fast and efficiently?


Active Member
Drink a gallon of water immediately upon finding out you have to piss. It's gonna suck but drink it in 5 to 10 minutes. Wait to pee until you feel like you're gonna explode. Try to pee twice before you pee in the cup. Only use your midstream urine in the cup. This will make ur urine water until your kidneys flush the water out. To compensate up your creatinine levels. Take the stuff listed below.
Creatinine is a normal byproduct of muscle metabolism
that is present in urine at specific levels. Creatinine levels are one of several "benchmarks," including pH, color, and specific gravity, assayed by urinalysis examiners to weed out diluted samples. In response, would-be drug test "thwarters" engage in several tried-and-true methods – including consuming Vitamin B, riboflavin, and even creatine supplements – to maintain these levels within the ranges acceptable to drug testing labs.


Active Member
I just got my job offer rejected by the FAA last week, Federal aviation administration because I had 2 negative diluted results. Its total bs because according to the DOT regulations there supposed to follow, after a negative dilute result they are supposed to retest me directly observed which they didn't. The MRO(medical review officer) was not even supposed to send the 2nd result on. It says it counts as negative if there are 2 negative diluted results.

I used Strip NC complete body cleanser from the local smoke shop. They swore by it and said no one in 4 years has failed using it. The first time I drank the 4 pills and small liquid shot and about 10oz of water more than what the package said(48oz). The second one I made damn sure to measure out exactly 48oz and I still got diluted.

Human resources at the FAA in california are such bitches man... I almost lost my current job because they were too lazy to find a collection facility thats open past 3:30pm. I asked to have it later in the day as possible and both times they schedule me for 8am. They even had me scheduled for a 3rd drug test, but the day before that they called and said they decided to rescind my offer. Such bull shit.