dropped seedling tray mixed up strains


Well-Known Member
not sure where this what thread to post this on..

last night i went to check my seedling tray and everything was looking great.
i germed 1 12 pack of hazemans elephant stomper and 1 10 pack of moscas C99 bx1 and got 100% germination, i was very pleased.
as i stuck the tray back up in the propagation chamber, ie the shelf up top in my closet, i went to grab the humidity dome and the whole tray fell off the shelf onto the ground! i freaked out, mainly because i thought the fall had butchered them all. so i collected them all, put them back in the trays and tried to prop up the broken ones the best i could. today i came home on my lunch break and very delicately transplanted the seedlings that were in rockwool cubes into soil and buried them up to the leaves.

im not sure if any of you picked up on this but when they fell they all got mixed up and now i dont know which are which... i was hoping on getting a keeper male and female from each but now im afraid i wont be able to distinguish the males enough to find the keeper. im pretty sure i will b able to tell which female is which at least come flowering.

ahh what do i do??


Well-Known Member
In my experience, each strain has their particular grow traits. I'm sure that after a couple of weeks, you'll notice the difference in the growing structure. Then google images both of your strains in veg state, and you should be able to identify at least one.



Well-Known Member
yea thats what i was thinking.. the c99 bx1 are supposed to b very stable and there is plenty of people on here that have grown it so that one shouldnt b very hard. but the elephant stomper is another story, that strain shows lots of variations and i cant find any journals or grow reports on it.

so the idea would b to identify the c99's and then assume that the rest must be elephant stomper right? but the problem there is that during the fall 4 - 6 seedling will not have made it and i dont know how many of which strains didnt make it so i dont have a set number of c99's to identify..


Well-Known Member
Don't know anything about Elephant stomper, but C99 is a Sativa, so just look for thin leaves and a massive stretch. Also, look for the pineapple and/or grapefruit smell, that will be the cindy.


Well-Known Member
yea thats what i was thinking.. the c99 bx1 are supposed to b very stable and there is plenty of people on here that have grown it so that one shouldnt b very hard. but the elephant stomper is another story, that strain shows lots of variations and i cant find any journals or grow reports on it.

so the idea would b to identify the c99's and then assume that the rest must be elephant stomper right? but the problem there is that during the fall 4 - 6 seedling will not have made it and i dont know how many of which strains didnt make it so i dont have a set number of c99's to identify..
Seems like you pretty much just answered your own question right there. And your right, you probably wont know just which ones didnt make it until you can identify the rest.
Man that really sucks ass doesnt it? I bet you gave a few " Aww fux" when that went down eh? Thats something I would do. Shit happens man You'll laugh about it one day when your jarring up the harvest :)


New Member
I just did this shit a few weeks ago with my tray full of attitude freebies. I have no idea what is what but they are 3 weeks into flower. Pretty sure I have identified one as sunshine daydream at least.


Well-Known Member
same thing happened to my cutting/clones. I got them mixed up. the only way to tell the 2 strains apart is my LB has purple sugar/fans after week 5 in flower and my PC strain does not. so instead of running 2 of each, im running 3 LB and 1 PC from my inspection last night. both are awesome strains which is a good thing. this error on my part cause my next cycle to get mixed up as well, so I had to take cuttings from the girls in flower so I can identify them. and boy to revegged clones look funny as shit with their 1 leaf leaves.


Well-Known Member
Cobnubuler: yea i was giving "aww fux" all night, probably into the next morning thanks i cant wait to smoke some cindy and laugh about it!

DEmonTich: i often wait until flower to clone and sometimes wait a lil too long into flower and end up with all kinds of funny looking clones ha


Well-Known Member
so far it looks like 18 of the original 22 are going to make it! one is extremely stunted compared to the rest.. she'll come around


Well-Known Member
i was hoping to eventually post pics on here for help with identification if anyone is reading this thread.. if not i suppose i will start a new thread for help