Drooping leaves after taking cuttings


Active Member
Hello, could do with a bit of advise, this morning i took some cutting off the bottom of the plant as it was starting to get rather bushy. I took a couple of bigger leaves off to let the smaller grow and a couple of the single leaves right at the bottom. the plant is 5 weeks old and was in rather good nick. Now two of the branches almost at the top are starting to droop. I dont want to panic and think I should just leave it so the plant doesnt get anymore stressed than it is. Am i right and will this sort it's self or do I need to do anything? Any advise or reasurance would be great.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
taking a few cutting off the bottom of a bushy plant in good health should not affect the plant.

did you forget to water?
did you overwater?
did you lower your light or forget to raise it a little?
did you damage those branches as you were messing with the plant getting cuttings?
whats the temp in the room?


Well-Known Member
sometimes they will sag, if they manage to grow roots they will bounce back. First make sure your cuts are clean with a clean blade. The biggest mistakes are made on the first step. Make sure the medium you are using to place your cutting in is nice and moist, plain water only and that you have it in a humidity dome that is misted down with water. Keep the humidity high for the first few days as it has no roots to take in water so it has to take it in from its leaves, keep the temp higher, like 80-85F. Make sure there is no pooled water in the nursery tray/dome or whatever you are using. Keep the medium moist but not water logged. After a few days you can place the dome so that there are cracks and fresh air can come in at a trickle. You want to give them more and more fresh air and lower humidity as the days pass to acclimate them to the outside environment. After about 10-14 days you should have roots. And lastly make sure you keep whatever light you are using at a distance. They need only dim light as they cannot take in too much light energy while they don't have roots. If they stayed sagged over...then you will have to try again.


Active Member
it could be down to being to close to the light. did have the top sitting about a foot under a 400wat the leaves that were growing at the top of her had more rounded tips with almost a leathery surface so moved the distance to about 2 foot. this was also done this morning. pretty sure im watering enough and not to much. You reckon to close to the lights? only started drooping after the light distance was increased.


Active Member
it's my mother plant that started drooping at the top. the cutting i took we were only for de-bushing the plant.


Active Member
after leaving it alone for the afternoon in the dark the branches have have come back to normall. wayhay. looks as if it was to close to the light. paniced abit after taking cutting off it and thought I caused undue stress. thanks for the input.