dried but now its crispy


Active Member
so i dried for 5 days now and the bud is crispy to the touch to where it almost wants to crumble. is there anything i can do to make it moist again


Active Member
you can jar it up it should get a little moist.
how come it dried so fast?
my dumb azz friend left it outside in the green house for a day and by the time i got to and put inside it was really dry on the outside. what about some bread is that a smart thing to do? i can put it in the jar with the bud or is this a bad idea? thx


Well-Known Member
Cure it and it will be fine most likely. the outside being kinda crispy isnt really a big deal, the stems on the inside still hold moisture. curing will even out the moisture content. if u really want to you can put some orange peels or leaves from the plant in with it for a day, but i doubt you will need to.


Well-Known Member
Cure it and it will be fine most likely. the outside being kinda crispy isnt really a big deal, the stems on the inside still hold moisture. curing will even out the moisture content. if u really want to you can put some orange peels or leaves from the plant in with it for a day, but i doubt you will need to.
this dude is right just throw them to the jars and the moister will even out ant they wont be crispy no more. but later after you been smoking out of the jar awhile and get close to the bottom and its starting to get crispy or powdery then you wanna use the orange peels =D


keep it in the jar for a day, and then open it and let the air out. Do this every day until you get to the type of dryness you like, some like it crispy and some like em really gooey. Its up to you, but the jar will do the trick for sure. and keep em in a sealed jar, you buds will last way longer, bags suck
the jar trick woks great, also most fruits work great, when this happens to me i will add an apple slice, orange peal, lemon peal, ect. depending on the strain and taste I want being absorbed into my bud