Dr. Greenthumb Test Grow... The Dope

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
The good doctor offered some free seeds to a few RIU members on the condition they do a journal and smoke report on this new strain he calls The Dope. The genetics are Endless Sky X Chumaluma.

I guess some select details about myself would be pertinent to start off. I've only been growing for just over two years but during that entire time I've been keeping a perpetual garden and constantly trying new techniques and strains. It's a small op in a walk-in closet but is just the right size for my personal needs. So far I've tried 16 different strains from 6 different breeders including TGA, Greenhouse, and Cannacopia, but this will be my first grow from Dr. Greenthumb stock. I've heard nothing but good things about his genetics but must admit grow journals of his strains are a bit scarce. Well that's about to change:bigjoint:

I'll start off with product delivery which I assume is no different than for regular paying customers. Packaging is simple yet effective and couldn't be more stealth. Transit time was faster than any other seedbank I've tried (Hemp Depot, Attitude, Dr Chronic).

The seeds are looking nice and viable and apparently it is true that his packs are 11 seeds:) I'm germing them all right now. BTW you'll probably see dog hair in about 90% of my pics. It permeates my existence.

These all will be grown by my more tried and true methods, no experimenting here so I can hold up my end of the deal with a fair and balanced journal and review. Setup is as follows.

Lights: twelve 26watt CFLs for veg, one 400watt HPS and one 600watt HPS for flower. (There will be some of my current strains in the same grow but no mention of them in this journal)

Medium: Germed seeds will initially be planted in rapid rooter plugs. The rooted sprouts then go in 1/2 gallons pots of B'Cuzz hydromix for veg and finally into 1 gallon pots of hydromix for flower.

Nutes: Botanicare Pure Blend Pro for veg and bloom, Liquid Karma, Calmag, and Barricade(potassium silicate).

So a big thanks to Dr. Greenthumb. He obviously believes in his product because he doesn't know me from Adam but sends me free seeds so I can post my reviews for all to see. I don't intend to sugarcoat anything just provide fellow growers with the real deal on this strain. That's kind of a nice mission statement to end on:peace:



bud bootlegger
nice mared... i can't wait to see what your gonna get with these.. i have to say that i also got mine super fast, and the packaging is the same way that i got my og kush beans that i ordered from the good dr about a month or so ago..
it will be pretty cool as we will both be doing mostly everything at around the same time and it will make it easy for comparisons and all..
good luck with the grow and can't wait to see some more..

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
right on man I'm subbed. Got some beans in the humididty dome as we speak and will start mine when they break the soil. That dog hair remark had me rollin it's cool man we forgive you.

BTW I hope it's okay i posted here you didn't say if you wanted people posting or not but since I'm also testing them I figured that dropping in and sharing that my experience was the same as yours-came faster than the other doc and hempD which I have used before also and all the beans are mature, would be okay.


Well-Known Member
I will definitely be keeping an eye on this. I have not really seen any dr. greenthumb grows so it will be nice to be able to follow one from the start.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
It's been 48 hours and 9 of the 11 seeds have germed enough to plant. The remaining two are starting to crack open.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I can definately see why the doc chose you for this test man your setup is perfect. I'm more of a ghetto buy as i go type dude my whole steup probably cost me 700$ so far and I've had most of it for years. Anyways I'm drinking some beers and shit 3/3 of my beans also had roots after 48 hours(technically 2/3 in 12 hours but was too busy to transplant yesterday)and I got em transplanted in the FFLW today. I will start my journal when they pop- gonna be fun!


Well-Known Member
Definitely gonna keep a watch on this one. Excited to see a new strain grow! Those seeds germ quick. Stop by my journals when you have the time, comments are always appreciated.

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
Hey mared, Im subscribed!

Whatsup yah bastard? Sorry havent seen yah in awhile! Got any other journals going? I should just do a search i suppose ;) See you around bro!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I grew a Chumaluma clone from a dispensery. It grew great, turned
out a little bland but it was one of my first grows so I blame inexperienced
finishing. I'd be stoked to grow a hybrid.


Active Member
i am going to follow this one. the dope is what i have on deck. if yours turns out anything like what i smoked a while back don't make any plans for the rest of the day after burning it


bud bootlegger
looking good mared.. these beans do germ super quick don't they... everythings looking good so far, can't wait to see what will be coming in the future from your grow..

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
The good doctor offered some free seeds to a few RIU members on the condition they do a journal and smoke report on this new strain he calls The Dope. The genetics are Endless Sky X Chumaluma.

I guess some select details about myself would be pertinent to start off. I've only been growing for just over two years but during that entire time I've been keeping a perpetual garden and constantly trying new techniques and strains. It's a small op in a walk-in closet but is just the right size for my personal needs. So far I've tried 16 different strains from 6 different breeders including TGA, Greenhouse, and Cannacopia, but this will be my first grow from Dr. Greenthumb stock. I've heard nothing but good things about his genetics but must admit grow journals of his strains are a bit scarce. Well that's about to change:bigjoint:

I'll start off with product delivery which I assume is no different than for regular paying customers. Packaging is simple yet effective and couldn't be more stealth. Transit time was faster than any other seedbank I've tried (Hemp Depot, Attitude, Dr Chronic).

The seeds are looking nice and viable and apparently it is true that his packs are 11 seeds:) I'm germing them all right now. BTW you'll probably see dog hair in about 90% of my pics. It permeates my existence.

These all will be grown by my more tried and true methods, no experimenting here so I can hold up my end of the deal with a fair and balanced journal and review. Setup is as follows.

Lights: twelve 26watt CFLs for veg, one 400watt HPS and one 600watt HPS for flower. (There will be some of my current strains in the same grow but no mention of them in this journal)

Medium: Germed seeds will initially be planted in rapid rooter plugs. The rooted sprouts then go in 1/2 gallons pots of B'Cuzz hydromix for veg and finally into 1 gallon pots of hydromix for flower.

Nutes: Botanicare Pure Blend Pro for veg and bloom, Liquid Karma, Calmag, and Barricade(potassium silicate).

So a big thanks to Dr. Greenthumb. He obviously believes in his product because he doesn't know me from Adam but sends me free seeds so I can post my reviews for all to see. I don't intend to sugarcoat anything just provide fellow growers with the real deal on this strain. That's kind of a nice mission statement to end on:peace:

Mared I'm oddly enthusiastic about this one. Mystery strains rule :)

Hope you dont mind, couple quick questions about your growing medium and method?

Rapid rooter plugs: Can these be put into hydroton? I see you have them in trays. Also, why do you use these? Are they really 'rapid' rooters?

Hydromix: I looked this up and am not too clear on it. Do you just use this in pots as if it were a soil based medium, but it is neutral?

Paper Towel Method: I have had some bad luck here and there with sprouts in rockwool. My latest journal shows a sprout root that just coiled up because it could not penetrate the rockwool. After wetting the paper towel, do you just leave it in a dish or something with a small pool of water? I would worry about it drying out is all.

So, basic questions I know, but I haven't messed with any of the above and liked what I saw in your post. I hope this was ok asking in your journal?

Happy smoking :bigjoint:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hey Fred. Hows it going man?

Rapid rooter plugs: Can these be put into hydroton? I see you have them in trays. Also, why do you use these? Are they really 'rapid' rooters?

Yea these rapid rooters are essentially hydro. They're made from peat which is inert and they float in a tray of water. I've never used anything else to start seeds so not sure how exactly "rapid" they are but they work for me. They should work with hydroton too I would think.

Hydromix: I looked this up and am not too clear on it. Do you just use this in pots as if it were a soil based medium, but it is neutral?

Yea I use it just like soil except I use hydro nutes. I put them in pots and handwater whenever they need it. Nothing fancy.

Paper Towel Method: I have had some bad luck here and there with sprouts in rockwool. My latest journal shows a sprout root that just coiled up because it could not penetrate the rockwool. After wetting the paper towel, do you just leave it in a dish or something with a small pool of water? I would worry about it drying out is all.

LOL believe it or not I used coffee filters on this one. Was out of paper towels at the time. As you can see coffee filters will work as well. My exact method is this.... Put seeds on top of moistened paper towel/coffee filter. Fold up the towel/filter so the seeds are wrapped up inside. Then you want to retain the moisture in the towel/filter and keep out any light. So I actually fold aluminum foil around my towel/filter so the light is blocked out. Then I put all that into a ziploc bag to keep in the moisture and put the bag right next my clone tray where it is nice and warm. Don't have a pool of water in the bag, that is bad. You want to wet the towel/filter well and then allow excess water to drain off. You only want the moisture to be in the filter/towel, no standing water in the bag.


bud bootlegger
hey mared.. i see that your are using the rapid rooters too.. this is my first time using them, and i just had a quick question for you.. i am gonna transplant most of them into soil and one into a hempy bucket..
my question is how long do you just let them go in the rapid rooters before you transplant them into their next medium? thanks in advance for any tips..


Active Member
I will be keeping an eye on this grow. Mr. Kylde and I began flowering The Dope and Endless Sky three days ago. The Dope has been amazing it is bigger, stronger, and faster than ES. I have been keeping my own personal journal/pictures at home and this is our first post, a little scared of it to be honest. Anyway, I can't wait to see how yours turn out and actually be able to compare them with something.
