Dr Chronic's 'Critically Smashed' anyone?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
damn dont yall just love me?

im finding different takes and breeders on CM...but it seems like Mr. Nice guy i think and g13 breeds them.

i also found that it is/was a remake of bigbud?

Mr Nice Critical Mass

Genetics: Afghani / Skunk No. 1
AKA: Afghani Skunk, Big Bud
Variety: Indica / Sativa
Type: f1 Hybrid
Harvest Date: September / October
Flowering Period: 8 Weeks
No. of Seeds Per Packet: 15
Characteristics: A Very large Yielder
A reworked excellent version of an old breed once known as Big Bud. This is an absolute must for the cultivator who demands a high yield with an equally high stone. It is the heaviest plant currently in production for commercial farmers and outdoor crops and resembles the male genital protrusion of a giant donkey. Due to its heavy flower construction it can be susceptible to mould if the growing area is too humid. So be warned, and harvest on time. It has a genetic pedigree originating from a particularly heavy Afghani combined with the original Skunk Number 1.

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - critical mass flavor
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - critical mass 12/12 from seed
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Very Critical Mass Photo's!
Whats up bro? hows the coco working? FYI----it's probably just me but Mr Nice Guy is one of my least fav strains--The smell is ok---The taste of cheap incense----It's the high I don't care for----It gives me an edgy kind of "feel crappy want to crawl out of my skin high" you know what I mean?----Don't want to be negative and everyone should always try strains and form there own opinion but that's my 2 cents on Mr Nice Guy-------I really hope the CM turns out great for you guys. best of growing.


Active Member
The lineage posted earlier is not quite the same as the strain in question, critically smashed. Believe it is white rhino x crit. mass? Had a grow journal over on the docs forum. But here a few pictures of the plant/harvest(just done two days ago!!)

Grow low and FAT. Grows one nice fat cola and flowers very nicely for only growing about a foot and half at most. Veg'd for about a month, flowered for around 7. Would love to have more seeds of this but used them all up becuz they were freebies and wasted some just messing around outdoors.

Awesome for people lookin to grow short and still have a nice yield

Got about 40g after weighing it out, but will expect about an ounce when fully dry. Crappy cell phone pics of the harvest does not do these emerald city nuggets any justice! will try to get some better ones up soon!

Hope ya enjoy!


The Revelator

Active Member
I had an abysmal germination rate with this strain. And I know how to germ beans.

I was not impressed with the one female that germinated, which I grew outdoors. I saved her after harvesting, and revegged her along with a couple other strains. The CS is the most finicky of the crew, and when I clone next week, I'll likely leave her in the dumpster. I have better bagseed than this.