Double stack Rubbermade Grow. From Seed - Noob 1st Timer


New Member
Day 36:

Bitch is getting really bushy! Added a mirror so my plant can look at itself and have good times.

Fuck the suitcase idea, It'd be too skinny for a kush plant, maybe an sativa dom, but once this flowers I don't feel like having kush goo all over it.

I did some further tweeking to my setup, Took out the old light fixture I made and replaced it with an old fishing rod :) Works much better, looks cleaner and I get way more room.

View attachment 2738892View attachment 2738893

Nice little set up you have going their man, congrats. I would defiantly remove the mirror as it only absorbs the lumens from the lights. It may look like it reflects the light but it doesn't. It is only hurting your plants as it acts like a dark spot in the rubbermaid. If you have the money/time I would purchase a cheap 8 x 10 piece of mylar from Ebay(costed me $10 free shipping) to place on the inner ways of your rubbermaid. It will make a world of a difference in growth.

Since you already topped a bunch if height becomes a problem for you I would determine which are the tallest branches then start topping them first. Top 3-4 at most to not over-stress your plants giving them 3-4 days to recover. Your plant probably has weird looking leafs due to your higher levels of temperature. When people talk about heat/cold and temperature, they are very different. Even though the temperature only reads say 85 degrees doesn't necessary mean it's exactly 85. You have to remember you are growing in a very small object so the heat builds quicker and rises quicker. Since hot air is less dense it passes through the cold air taking with it some of the cold airs moisture. I myself am a big fan of having one of my fans that are by my lighting system be blowing downwards as it circulates all that hot/high moisture air. LEDs are amazing for stealth grows which most people have trouble with temperature.

Other than them few leaves and the mirror looks like you will have decent flowering, hope you enjoy your buds =D. Be safe and live life.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks.

The mirror was removed weeks ago.

I'm pretty sure the twisting of leafs are from me being way too rough with my lsting. I had sand on one and tried to wipe it off but caused trauma.

I've looked at cases of wind burn and temperature problems and my plant isn't demonstrating those symptoms.


Active Member
Lookin good.

I thought something was weird when I saw your thread as miracle Kush and and not the double stack..I blame all the :joint:&bongsmilie

my bad but its looking good so far. Do you put a blanket on it or anything at night? To block light? Or just don't care hahaha?


Well-Known Member
I will be gone for 5 days now.

I performed a flush yesterday doing 2x the volume of my res and then finished off with a strong dose of nutes, The plant
Already looks a lot better.

Fingers crossed nothing goes wrong while I'm gone! Then It wont be too long after for me to start flower :)


Well-Known Member
Lol, So I got back yesterday from my vacation.

What a waste of fucking time that was, Way too drunk the entire time to get anything accomplished.

Good news my plants alive, Bad news is it looks like shit. I don't know If I should remove the fucked up leafs or not, Any suggestions are appriciated.

Oh a little bit of a side note, we had a bumpy ride home :s



Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks I take it you're ok. I may be wrong but I think your plant is showing nitrogen deficiency


Well-Known Member
Yeah we're both fine haha.

I don't think it's that bb :( I cannot find anything that looks similar.

Might have to chopchop a couple leafs but I don't know yet.


Active Member
Might have to chopchop a couple leafs but I don't know yet.
I never understood why people did this. What do you think the benefits of chopping off yellowing leaves is? I mean if your hand hurts you don't just chop it off. Idk it just seems to me slicing part of the plant off to help heal it is counter-productive. However in some serious cases I'd chop rotting or moldy parts of the plant...idk I'm not trying to say don't do it I'm just a little stoned and want to know what you think the benefits are.


Well-Known Member
I just went through your thread. I noticed signs of the leaf back on 7/26

Good idea to flush, but with ~ 20% strength nutes (flushes better than plain water)

The beige parts are dead, so cut as much of that as you can

Just another reason why I prefer hydro. It allows me to make near instant adjustments


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response ^.^.

I did do a flush that night, not the biggest but I had already done one prior to leaving.

I took the lst straps off last night so she can spring back a bit, I'll be cutting the dead spots tonight and I'll upload a new picture of her.

I have hope, It's still growing and is making a bounce back. New growth is still noticeable.

Still no fucking signs of sex though, Haha almost 2 months in.


Active Member
Can you get off my thread?

I don't feel like responding to this kind of shit.
Ight dude peace, don't have to be a fucking asshole.

And it's not "shit". It's a simple fuckin question that I wasn't even trying to be a prick about but piss off dude.


Active Member
Double post for fuck sakes...

Uhh, The air sponge is neutralizing the smell completely. It does give off a faint smell of 'fresh' but it's not even noticeable if your not near the box.

Zis my plan for the suitcase View attachment 2737911

You'd want your intake on the bottom to bring cool air in, and exhaust on top to take all the hot air out after it rises. Idk if you've checked your other thread, but I replied saying it might be an iron def. I'm not 100% sure, so you'd have to take a look into it.


Well-Known Member
My box doesn't actually have an outtake, Just an intake and a passive to relieve pressure off my shitty usb fan.

I stuck a 1 liter of Ona cinnamon apple and it rapes the smell of the weed.

For the plant issues, I don't think it's a deficiency of anything. I think it was poisoned from this riverbed sand I added a couple weeks ago because I didn't wash it before adding.
I'm a total and utter noob and probably wrong with my assumptions so I won't say that is for sure the reason it happened.

Other news, I turned my little sick plant into a little skinny toy poodle looking thing!

Now, I'm not really sure if I'm going to try the whole LST thing anymore, As I was cutting away at a lot of foliage I noticed leafs that were obviously lacking light and were drooping.
Since it's an indica it gets REALLY short and stocky and tends to hide everything under it's gargantuan fan leafs that get pinned down.

Maybe a couple more weeks of this veg BS then I'll flip her into flower, Just need some leafs now!

