Dolomite Lime, Perlite Questions

So i have my seedlings in solo cups of 100% FFOF right now, and soon im going to transplant some of them into the ground, and some of them into 5 gal pots. In both cases, I will be using a mixture of FFOF, Happy Frog soil, native soil, and was considering adding 1 cup dolomite lime / cu foot soil, or whatever the package says when I buy it. Should I add perlite too? Is the lime a good idea? Im considering the lime so that I don't have to adjust the pH of the plants later when I use nutes, etc. Should I still buy a pH meter and pH up and down, or will the lime keep the pH from changing? If the pH of the soil does change, will additional lime fix the problem, or will I need to get pH up and down? Any insight is much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
You've got the right stuff. These were all grown in 50/50 mix of Ocean Forest & Happy Frog, with 1 cup dolomite added. I also add 1 cup of bat guano. It's all I use indoors or out.

Good luck
edit: perilite is already in the soil.


You've got the right stuff. These were all grown in 50/50 mix of Ocean Forest & Happy Frog, with 1 cup dolomite added. I also add 1 cup of bat guano. It's all I use indoors or out.

Good luck
edit: perilite is already in the soil.
Thanks man, rep++, you seem like a veteran grower, do u mind tellin me what nutes you use as well, and if you need to monitor pH with this setup? This is my first time growing, so any additional advice you may have would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, I use city water, never ph'd my water.

Maxsea fertilizer, both the veg & bloom, stuff was made for MJ!

Use the biggest container you can, you won't be sorry. I use 15gal pots. Try 'airpots'. I have a couple & they work great.

Good luck


Active Member
Perlite will make your plants grow faster since it provides aeration like nothing else, 25% is around a good amount. good luckkk