Does this song have potential to be a great weed song????


Well-Known Member
ok my friends and me made this song while high although im not in the song i did the recording and such and to give u a heads up the quality is iffy on vocals cuz i didnt have my studio at the time we wanted to record a song so we had to improvise and use the eyetoy as a mic lol so plz dont be judgemental on how it sounds but more on how the song sounds as in if it's a good song or not and please pass this on to other ppl support this song lol

Roll Dat(hydro) <---link

Brick Top

New Member
No offense intended but I would suggest that none of you give up your day jobs yet. It is not bad but it is not anything special. It was to repiticious for my taste.

Brick Top

New Member
ok its cool thats why i posted it so could get ur opinions btw that was my friends not me

Don't get me wrong, there is talent there but I do not believe that will be the song that will draw attention to it.

It will not be what makes the group no longer say "We take all kind of pills to give us all kind of thrills but the thrill we've never known. Is the thrill that'll get'cha when you get your picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone."