Does Miracle-Grow work??


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure my soil is depleted; plants have almost ceased to grow as
of the past 2 weeks. Regardless, I bought some MIRACLE-GROW and put a
little less than the reccomended dosage in it. D

Does miracle grow work? Please let me know.


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow is the only fert I use... and I have great results. I start out at 1/3 strength and move up to 1/2 strength.


Well-Known Member
wow this is a first, no one bashing miracle gro! :clap: Not here to bash it either. Just be careful, that stuff burns easy! i think its from all the N from urea


Well-Known Member
yea its good as anything else out there..good to get a ppm meter and make sure you dont burn the plants keep it at 1000 to 1500;...depends on the strand../


Active Member
miracle grow works great. I would stick with the all purpose stuff that you can mix with your water. It's got plenty of nitrogen and phosphorous so don't burn the plant. the only thing it doesn't have is potassium and you can find lots of easy sources of potassium.


Well-Known Member
i only use MG seed starter after that its just reg soil wit some molasses and water


Active Member
i find that worm castings are better than miracle grow simply because you can't burn you girls roots if you use to much and when that great time comes to taste you hard work then there are no chemicals in your smoke well one's you dont want there anyway

happy harvests


Well-Known Member
wow this is a first, no one bashing miracle gro! :clap: Not here to bash it either. Just be careful, that stuff burns easy! i think its from all the N from urea
lol here I am :fire: MG is garbage. If you like the results that just means you didnt have high expectations. Hydroponic nutes (used in soil too) is leaps and bounds better than MG. Its like comparing one size fits all to a custom tailored suit. Its the diffrence between a really nice bicycle and a Corvette. Either one can provide happiness but one is clearly far better. Hence the nickname Mirace burn


Well-Known Member
lol here I am :fire: MG is garbage. If you like the results that just means you didnt have high expectations. Hydroponic nutes (used in soil too) is leaps and bounds better than MG. Its like comparing one size fits all to a custom tailored suit. Its the diffrence between a really nice bicycle and a Corvette. Either one can provide happiness but one is clearly far better. Hence the nickname Mirace burn


Well-Known Member
lol here I am :fire: MG is garbage. If you like the results that just means you didnt have high expectations. Hydroponic nutes (used in soil too) is leaps and bounds better than MG. Its like comparing one size fits all to a custom tailored suit. Its the diffrence between a really nice bicycle and a Corvette. Either one can provide happiness but one is clearly far better. Hence the nickname Mirace burn



Well-Known Member
lol here I am :fire: MG is garbage. If you like the results that just means you didnt have high expectations. Hydroponic nutes (used in soil too) is leaps and bounds better than MG. Its like comparing one size fits all to a custom tailored suit. Its the diffrence between a really nice bicycle and a Corvette. Either one can provide happiness but one is clearly far better. Hence the nickname Mirace burn
:fire: :fire: :fire:

That's the way I look at it. "one size fits all", its more like "one size fits most". My next grow I'll be using Fox Farm in organic soil...


Well-Known Member
MG is the devils fertilizer!
Remind me not to get weed from the devil. I can picture it now, Somehow I end up in hell. I am like this place isnt so bad. It's warm, there are a bunch of naked chicks running around. Then somone passes me a devil joint, I take a puff, raise my hands in the air and say NOOOOOO!


Well-Known Member
omg it really only took me 3 days to totaly kill my plants andf turn all the leafs yellow!

OK this----Google "miracle grow marijuana" and go to images and tell me the ratio of Huge green plant pictures to yellow dried up dead plants...