do you think they're female then??


Active Member
Cheers for that, i put the same pics on another website and woz told that the cfls i am using are not that great. on the boxes for the bulbs it said 20watt energy and 100watt light, so i thought it woz 100watts but got told they will only be 26 watts? The plants do look abit streached and spindly. They showed me a pic of a plant that my one should look like and mines dont look like that at all. Anyway i said right from the beginning i dont expect to get anything from these plants just experience, i have put them on a 12/12 cycle does anyone out there think that it will bud at all. I dont think they will , Cheers again


Well-Known Member
Pick one of your good females, put the others outside. Use all the light you can get your hands on (cfls) just one plant and get yourself something.