Do you smoke because you're creative?


Well-Known Member
Or are you more creative because you smoke weed? I think it's both but just wondering if anyone had an opinion on it.


Active Member
Hmmmmm.....both i recon, but I think the type & depth of creativity differs when blazed or not. Prolonged stoned periods does have a dampening effect on creativity. But it also makes you hear and see different aspects of anything. I reckon sometimes it's good to be blazed when creating something, it makes you pay particular attention to very small details and really tweak stuff out. But if ya got lots to do try and stay away from smoking too can always get stupidly stoned later! Just my thoughts....


Well-Known Member
I think any attrubutes of a person are just there naturally. Unfortunately life isn't perfect for the majority of us, and often most people's potential either gets dampened or killed off completely by conditions and circumstance.
Some people can focus better(whether its a creative endeavor, or a technical endeavor) - because they are able to cloud out the bullshit if the bullshit is taking up brain processing power. Voices in the head.

Nothing is stronger than a completely healthy mind. Unfortunately, most of us are not completely healthy in our lifestyles and end up using meds from time to time. Thats the nature of any supplement.

D.M.T. the spirit molecule was a book I looked through for a while. It covers some topics and research relative to drugs and creativity. I could be wrong, but I think if someone is able to reach a high without drugs, its better than those who smoke weed to get high. Me personally, I view my weed as a medication for bullshit that clouds my thought processes. When I feel no stress and everythings working out for me, I don't smoke weed, even when I got it.

And just like everybodys got a unique experience, everybody's got a unique chemistry.


Well-Known Member
I'm an entrepreneur and I get very good ideas when I'm high. All the time. It helps if I'm getting a massage at the time!


Active Member
I smoke, and am not creative.... Guess I am one of those linear thinkers =P

But +1 on the massage, thats when I get al my great ideas (and happy endings) LOL JK


Well-Known Member
I was a mormon until I was 32. I was creative back then but never like I am now. That's why I have to think it has something to do with it.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I'm more creative when improv/jamming with my band. Smoking also seems to clear my head of everything so I can focus on the music. And it relaxes the muscles which seems to help with the physical aspect of playing.

Bush Master

With me I get more creative if I smoke only a little bit. Once I go past that little bit line....not much more creative than being sober.


Honestly I was a shy fucking loser without motivation nor appreciation for anything in life before weed. I couldn't even figure out what the fuck I wanted to do in the future.

I smoked because I hated my old self. Now I'm happy and getting places. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
My son didn't believe that weed made me focus. I was sitting on my office chair one morning trying to figure out what to do and he was sitting there talking to me about it. I always told him it took my ADD away. I was talking to him about how one of the hard things about being an entrepreneur is figuring out what to do first. It's not like you have a boss telling you what to do. It's the only thing I don't like about it. I was smoking a joint while I was complaining to him. Then I got a great idea that I needed to make an important call. I said hang on. He sat there and listened to my conversation. After it was over he said, mom, you're right. It does make you focus. He never gave me a hard time again.


Smoking has always helped me focus as well as create great things whether that be art, music or even an english paper for class. Not to mention, I don't know how much I could stand cultivating sober... you have to admit it's definitely not All fun.

Nice quote, love Pulp Fiction. :)