Let me guess, Obama doesn't suck Israel's phallus enough, so you don't like him?
Somehow I knew what you were gonna post before I even read it.
I never mentioned anything specific. Because it doesn't matter unless he's dividing or blaming us he's golfing. Everything falls under the same umbrella. You can't lead when you learn about everything on the news. You can't follow unless you choose a side. Hes taken so long to make choices that there are no good choices.
O was in such a hurry to leave Iraq. Now Iran is leading the fight in Iraq. So now instead of continuing to hold the gains we made. He let our gain go by the wayside. Leaving us now a choice between Iran and Isis. Combime that will lifting the sanctions that were strangling Iran. That puts him in an even tighter spot when trying to prevent Iran from getting nukes.
We all knew before the Olympics Putin was going to invade Ukraine. And OBAMA wanted to talk about how countries behave in the 21st century. The blind man in the White House gave him Crimea. Dithering after the fact is leading to even further annexation of Ukrainian land. Don't forget when Ukraine left the ussr the USA and the world made promises to them for giving up there nuclear weapons and returning them to Russia. Among those promises was to protect them from Russian invasion. Maybe you didn't notice the passenger jet they shot out of the sky! Look at Egypt once stable not so much now. Libya is another example of ineptitude. They turned over their WMDs without a shot fired. That's all we needed. Now look at that mess one ambassador and a handful of heros all dead. And they blame a you tube video! Never mind we still don't know where our president was. I won't even get in to Hillary she works for him and the buck stops with him. He drew a red line in Syria and sat by while that was trampled. Doing nothing there has worked really well for Isis. I fail to see how that helps us. O has CLAIMED success in Yemen. I'm sure you weren't watching when that government collapsed and again he sits around so fucking long our marines have to disable their weapons and hand parts over to terrorist and get on a commercial flight. THIS WAS GOOD THOUGH AT LEAST HE DIDN'T ALLOW THEM TO BE KILLED. So I guess he did learn something in Libya. I Could go on and on. But I'm sure I couldn't change your mind. You'll still believe he's doing a marvelous job.
fast and furious
Hillary email
OBAMA care pass it before you read it.