Do toads get high?


Have no idea. Caught one who happened to get into my old bag of dirt i had bought to grow seeds in dirt (but ditched cuz the hydroponic ones worked out better). I thought, well you little bastard, if youre gonna live on a bed of dirt ment for herb then youre gonna experience some with me. I put him in a plastic snap shut box that i got some blueberry muffins in the other day. tapped it shut with 2 strays for vents. been blowin my smoke in there alot foggin shit up. It freaked him out the first time. He just accepts it now....after like 2-3 hours of this. Im pretty baked, i hope he is too.


Well-Known Member
Ever heard of the Denver River Toad? Karma.... maybe the frog will get you high

Have no idea. Caught one who happened to get into my old bag of dirt i had bought to grow seeds in dirt (but ditched cuz the hydroponic ones worked out better). I thought, well you little bastard, if youre gonna live on a bed of dirt ment for herb then youre gonna experience some with me. I put him in a plastic snap shut box that i got some blueberry muffins in the other day. tapped it shut with 2 strays for vents. been blowin my smoke in there alot foggin shit up. It freaked him out the first time. He just accepts it now....after like 2-3 hours of this. Im pretty baked, i hope he is too.


Well-Known Member
You might wanna get him some meth to counteract the munchies or turn his bumpy ass loose so he
can get some flies.


Holy shit, i just looked all that stuff up after reading your post. Its only on the colorado river frog, a specific toad. there are over 200 similar types of toad, only 1 secrets the right stuff. It has a minute dose of DMT in it, which is extracted and smoked for obvious reasons (frog secretions are poison!!!). Thats crazy, i had no idea DMT came from frogs too!