do i need to clip my only two leaves

i got my seed to sprout. after a few days it stopped growing and flopped over. o watered it and it stood up. the seedling leaves aer about dried up. my first two true are curled up and burned on the tips.??? should i cut these two leaves off or will they keep growing. batteries are dead on my cam so i cant show picks. please help.


Active Member
Nope. Leave them for now. It can't hurt anything to see if they do grow. Most likely it will just grow new leaves. Leaves store energy for the plant so it is best to let them fall naturally and then clean em up.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Leave them for now. It can't hurt anything to see if they do grow. Most likely it will just grow new leaves. Leaves store energy for the plant so it is best to let them fall naturally and then clean em up.
Yup yup, leaves are solar cells your plants will really need in the end to make the fat buds, reducing them will reduce your output.

If you must trim only do so if the damages exceeds 50-60% of the leaf.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I say leave them and water when dry they will bounce back. Had some GDP fall all they way over as clones then a little tlc brought them back to life and they are thriving.