Do i have a boy or girl?


This is my first time growing and I think my babies have just started to show what looks like pre-flowers. Could someone confirm what i have please!

The first picture is the clearest of what i think are pre-flowers, the second two are of another plant.

<edit> or am i just looking at new leafy growth :P. I'm way to impatient.

Thanks! :)



Well two of 4 plants are defiantly male, i have one that hasnt got pre-flowers yet and another which i'm unsure about. Before i chuck them all outside out of site i just wanted to see if someone could confirm the sex of this plant...



All the same plant, damn :(. Hopefully the little runt is a female, i've just repotted it so it should burst into life.


Well-Known Member
So many pointless sex threads.
Why doesn't someone sticky a sex thread?
They have 47 useless threads stickied.

Balls on sticks with no trichomes = Male
Tulip shaped things not on sticks with trichomes = Female (If you see a white hair, it is a female

It really is that simple.
Just wait until it is obvious.

(I have posted this 487 times)