Do drops of water on leaves really intensify light??


Well-Known Member
here is a quote i found on the net:
Dr. Noel Jackson, professor of turf management at the University of Rhode Island at Kingston, took me around the watering clock. Morning is best, he said, mostly because it isn't afternoon or evening. Watering during hot, sunny afternoons wastes some water because it evaporates and never gets into the ground.
There is no evidence of a magnifying-lens effect (water droplets intensifying the sun's rays and burning the leaves), but belief in that stubborn myth persists. Evening watering should be avoided because the water lingers on the leaves and encourages fungus diseases."

anyone have any real life experience of burning their leaves?


Well-Known Member
I don't know... I hit my plants daily foliar. I am running a 600w digi with a super HPS hortilux close, NO spots. I too call bull on this myth, I have been spraying my plants from day one in the light and they are killer, no spots.

bush basher

Well-Known Member
i tried it once with my plant. all my leaves shriveled up and went crispy. i couldn't figure out what it was, my missus kept saying it was cos i was misting with the lights on, low and behold i stopped and the plant perked up again. hmm (scrathing my chin)


Well-Known Member
i tried it once with my plant. all my leaves shriveled up and went crispy. i couldn't figure out what it was, my missus kept saying it was cos i was misting with the lights on, low and behold i stopped and the plant perked up again. hmm (scrathing my chin)
Were you misting them with clean Ph'd water, nutes, etc... that is going to make more a difference than laser water droplets :)