**** disturbing*****


Well-Known Member

it's the new hotness.

every time theres a little tremor you can hear the rabble preparing their swagbags for an afternoon of trick or treating at best buy. i guarantee the next big california earthquake will be accompanied by hordes of rampaging barbarians on their never ending quest for a slightly larger flatscreen.

I read an article a few days ago about all the "will riot if Romney wins" tweets.
Plenty of idiots were HOPING for riots so they could go loot stuff they wanted.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I read an article a few days ago about all the "will riot if Romney wins" tweets.
Plenty of idiots were HOPING for riots so they could go loot stuff they wanted.
these days, "will riot if my team loses (insert sporting event here)" and also, "will riot if my team WINS (insert sporting event here)"

rabble gonna rabble homey. keep your gun loaded, and be ready for rabble no matter who wins, loses or draws.


Wage-Push Inflation in China = Cost-Push Inflation in America.
We have wage deflation here in America, Americans taking less pay.
We have financial oppression for money savers, effectively negative interest rates on savings.
Most of the Federal government debt is short duration at an interest rates of .25%
. 7% of the US budget is for interest. Currently market forces will at some point push up rates and the FED will quickly be forced to pay the higher rate. America is effectively running an ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) on there entire public economy.