Disrespect daddy, pray outside the car!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I was at a health food store several days ago. This arab man was sitting in the back seat. On the passenger side outside the car was his wife on mat. She did some disrespect.

If I were that woman, his throat would be slit while he slept that night.

This freedom of religion worth it? See, the bitch probably deserved it and will know her place next time.


Well-Known Member
agree its quite shocking to see that women are still been treat like 2nd class citizens , regardless of religion or culture,,


Well-Known Member
If you serve a "God" that puts one beings statute over another(man over women), especially in your own country and/or society, I say piss on that god and go find another one. Yea, I said it and I meant it.

I place my wife as my equal in every way, as I am 100% sure my life would be worse off without her. I believe chivalry is not dead yet, but the children of today are doing a fine job of killing it.

I personally do not condone the treatment women receive in other countries, but culture is culture. I for one will open doors, pull out chairs and say "Yes Mam or Sir and No Mam or Sir" when spoken too.

Where would we be without women, well.....we just wouldn't, simple as that.




Well-Known Member
I was at a health food store several days ago. This arab man was sitting in the back seat. On the passenger side outside the car was his wife on mat. She did some disrespect.

If I were that woman, his throat would be slit while he slept that night.

This freedom of religion worth it? See, the bitch probably deserved it and will know her place next time.
She could have been praying that he would forget his vegan ways and that he wont force his seaweed extract shit on her when they get home. Or maybe praying for enlightenment, why does tofu look like cheese but taste like shit?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Didnt think men and women were allowed to pray together?? It may be that
In a parking lot? Why there?

Here's more of the story. It was 8pm and dark. It was cold and raining. Why was he in the back seat? Why not the driver's or passenger front seats? Why did he have a shit eating grin. Was he jerkin' the falafel?

Simple fact. He's a fucker. Only religion allows such bullshit, no matter your sex.


Well-Known Member
Well, that we agree on, fuck organized religion. It turns good people into dickheads.

"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."

-Steven Weinberg

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
And why is this out of politics? This is about as polititical as it can get. So fuck you. Bitch can suck Allah's cock for all I care. I'm not dealing with the hateful anti-natalist bullshit in this sub-forum.

meechz 024

Active Member
She probably also had to gobble his load that night for the disrespect also. Fuck that shit, why do they misinterpret Muhammad in that religion so much? I'm sure the prophet was a great guy.


Well-Known Member
I was at a health food store several days ago. This arab man was sitting in the back seat. On the passenger side outside the car was his wife on mat. She did some disrespect.

If I were that woman, his throat would be slit while he slept that night.

This freedom of religion worth it? See, the bitch probably deserved it and will know her place next time.
Why do people make assumptions when they don't know any facts. I have known muslims before and they ALL pray on mats on the ground. "All" men and women and if he was in the car then he was not praying then. Maybe they only had one mat with them as the cloth they kneel on(i cant remember what they are called sorry) is sacred to them and they were taking turns. Or maybe she felt the need to pray at that specific time and he did not. But if he is of the same religion as the ones i know then I promise you this, when he felt it was time to pray he also knelt on the mat/cloth upon the ground while he prayed. People have to learn not to judge others when they have no idea what they are even talking about.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I almost forgot, when she was sitting/kneeling on the cloth she was facing towards the east wasnt she.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I almost forgot, when she was sitting/kneeling on the cloth she was facing towards the east wasnt she.
She may have been facing toward Oz to ask the wizard for a brain...



Well-Known Member
i was once with a girl who was from a strict family of similar race/religion.

they DO get treated like absolute sh*t. 2nd class citizens for sure.

i honestly felt bad for the girl and tried getting her away from all that b.s. but...in the end she was a dumb b*tch who didnt know how to live w/o being controlled so back to the herd she went.

you can only lead the horses to water...you can't make them drink.

not all...but a good amount of them willingly put up with such abuse (for lack of a better word) so if thats the case...enjoy being a servant/fuck toy.