

Well-Known Member
I just transplanted (for the 1st time in my life) my plant into a bigger pot (This pot can fit 2 bags of soil).

I transplanted my plant, roots took one hell of a beating. I watered the new pot.

This is the before after pics. My first ever grow. Will my baby survive??

p.s. This pot is HUGE!!! I wanted to transplant cause I saw the roots coming out from the holes of the old pot. Any tips on how to water BIG pots? And and how long should I wait before watering?



Well-Known Member
I just transplanted (for the 1st time in my life) my plant into a bigger pot (This pot can fit 2 bags of soil).

I transplanted my plant, roots took one hell of a beating. I watered the new pot.

This is the before after pics. My first ever grow. Will my baby survive??

p.s. This pot is HUGE!!! I wanted to transplant cause I saw the roots coming out from the holes of the old pot. Any tips on how to water BIG pots? And and how long should I wait before watering?
That pot is pretty big for practically a seedling...but you did the right thing, its better to put it in that if you saw the roots out the bottom than keep it in the original pot

Just spray the foliage with a spray bottom slightly and the soil as well slightly just dampen it ....They should be fine man


Well-Known Member
ah man, this is my 1st grow and its freaking me out. I love the growing part but its not as easy as I thought. Lots of roots were lost :(

Should I keep it under CFL and turn of the MH400w when I spray it to avoid Light burns?


Well-Known Member
how were roots lost? you have to pull the entire plant out of the pot..the soil should stay clumped together. put it in a new pot, add more soil. then water thoroughly with plain water pH 6.5. If you were snappin roots that might not be too good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the soil sort of broke off during the transplant and I had to remove the plant by itself completely and transplanted it carefully, then watered. Is there any chance of survival?


Well-Known Member
Man I dont know...I did that when I was 17..pulled the plant out took all the soil off the roots, and tried to go hydro(I was 17 people)..plant ultimately died..

Lets not give up hope tho...make sure all that soil is moist. hopefully she'll come back around


Active Member
It sounds like you transplanted before it was necessary. Roots can be seen through the holes in the bottom pretty quickly but it takes a bit longer to establish enough roots to be transplanted as a tight compact rootball.

Give it a little b1 supplement or some superthrive, should be fine. It just needs to put some time into rebuilding the root ball so it looks like crap above ground for now. It doesn't look dead just hurtin.


Well-Known Member
meeeeeh thats massive shock keep a close eye on it watch for root rot i doubt shell make it but you will knwo for next time lesson learned


Well-Known Member
ehh she has alot of color and not and sicoloration which is a good sighn b1 and water like satede above she might pull through keep us posted i think this will be a hallof famer if it comes back


Active Member
It's honestly not too too bad looking. All the green is still green. She'll pull through if the environment doesn't shock her anymore. Weed is a WEED. You can pretty much chop at the bottom stem and still get new growth if you wait long enough.

Don't water anymore until it's dry.


Well-Known Member
yes, but a lot of roots survived. Will it survive, any chance whatsoever?
this exact situation happened to me a few days ago.

my plant was smaller than yours, but i did snapp a few roots and replanted the same "naked plant" fashion that you did, roots hanging down straight and all.

and the answer is yes your plant WILL survive according to what happened to mine.

just bring the lighting down to 12/12 until it pops back to life. light energy causes a plant to work towards gathering it, so when its got damage, light will sapp its energy that it would be otherwise using to recover.

plants do nothing but gather energy during its time in light and only grow and patch up in the dark.

my plant was drooping FAR past yours, like the top was almost touching the ground, and i just let fate decide as instructed and surprisingly it popped back to life after 3 days looking like a cancer patient. u will loose a few leaves possibly, but thats totally fine and expected through plant life anyway.


Well-Known Member
Latest update... I think its dead :(

rofl. no it isnt ;) thats how my plant looked.

btw, u might wanna just re-replant it to make sure the roots are straight and not clumped at the bottom. as in u pour dirt around it until its evenly secured. mostly plants die if the roots are too deep for the pot (when straight) and then you lay them in and they start to pile up at the bottom.

make sure ur pot goes deeper than the roots and plant the thing with space to grow near the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Leaves are starting to crumple. Im going out. Already working or germinating 2 more seeds (I hate the germination part, it kills me, any tips will be greatly appreciated) Also, if I was to use a HUGE pot, how should the watering schedules be like? I cant carry the pot myself to check the drainage, and there is no way to check the run off PH.