Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow


Well-Known Member
Damn D they are looking great! :)
Wait to you see the rest of the gurls tomorrow. I still have to transplant a medijuana a agent orange and a dream queen into the ground. Took some cuttings of the medijuana today also a couple cuttings of the Ogkushxdjshortblueberry. Still have the cali connection mixed seeds to sex then I can pump them all up. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
All green from this side. :) Looking fucking great! :D
So far so good. I put the AO and the DQ in a hole today. Will top dress the rest of the year this will be fun for sure. I put another medijuana in the ground in the greenhouse we will see how big that gets especially with the early finish. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Is it hard to get a half pound outdoor? How big of pots would be used to get a plant that could produce that? Sorry for the annoying questions. I just thought a pound was fairly easy outdoor


Well-Known Member
Is it hard to get a half pound outdoor? How big of pots would be used to get a plant that could produce that? Sorry for the annoying questions. I just thought a pound was fairly easy outdoor
I can get a half P in a 18gallon rubbermaid personally. In my holes I do a lb minimum dry so it all depends on the grower and the feeding schedule. This year I'm going to push the holes to the Maxsea. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
The gurls are looking good. Some are going to be huge at the rate they are growing. The medijuana is finally taking off. Hopefully the AO and the DQ will show some good growth by the end of next month. My two crosses are looking great at the moment the Blackwater is looking good the clones have rooted already . Almost time to toss the weak plants for sure. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
The gurls in order the Blackwater. Then you have a few crosses that are looking good. The last pics are of a Ogkushxdjshort blueberry cross the one with the bigger leaves the other is a medijuana you can look back for comparisons getting real good growth right now. enjoy comments welcome keepem green dirrtyd



Well-Known Member
Man I want that growth! :D
If you look at the last two sets of pics you will see averaging about ten inches a week right now. I already have clones taken of her so there will be mothers. This is one I want to keep and pass around also. I have a four foot reveg going also with another of my crosses so yes it only going to get bushy around here. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
These are pics eight days apart. The first four are the Ogkushxdjshort blueberry my cross. The second four are the medijuana a gift from friends. These plants are maqking big stride seem to be the roots are moving through the soil. I did something different in a couple of holes this year. Remind me at the end of the next month if I want to talk about it.keepem green dirrtyd:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
lookin good homie,
i took my plants out from a 24-0 veg cycle 3 weeks ago and now im payin for it, my plants all started flowering pretty heavy,
what would u do, cut and start over, or see what happens?
once agian good grow!


Well-Known Member
lookin good homie,
i took my plants out from a 24-0 veg cycle 3 weeks ago and now im payin for it, my plants all started flowering pretty heavy,
what would u do, cut and start over, or see what happens?
once agian good grow!
I would if I were you and did not see signs of reveg now. I would get some fresh clones and plant on the third of June. This weekend will be my last to put out or change for this years grow. Oh well the sun is in the backyard already so its a good day. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Trust me when you go out there and see the difference it is really worth it. I'm impressed for it to be the first of June. On a side note the sun was in the backyard before seven today. The Little league Minor A team I help coach won the Championship outright. Now on to the Tournament of Champions . Pics to come later the sun is making them go right now. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
The Ogkushxdjshortblueberry has gone through the cage already. definitely going to be a beast this year for sure. Pics later keeepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Okay been very busy lately with Little League. Still winning on that front so far so good. Now the gurls in order the first pic is the blackwater from Cali Connection. The second pic is a mixed seed from CaliConnection. The third pic plant on the left is a mixed seed from Caliconnection the other is a kanangaxblueberry cross. The fourth pic is a dream queen. The fifth pic is a agent orange. The sixth pic is a kanangaxblueberry cross.The seventh pic is a ogkushxblueberry cross. The eigth pic is a medijuana looks like it has went into flower. The ninth pic is the reveg she is doing good. Thanks to all who have stopped by again. Comments welcome keepem green dirrtyd

