Dinafem Blue Widow


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Day 14 (end of week 2)

I figured out the white fungus is harmless and a result of the soil not drying out quick enough so I scraped it away. I buried the stems up to the tops of the cups to help try to prevent this, while also making the plants look smaller & bushier. I gave them their first dose of nutrients on the 12th. I think I gave them like a half dose of Big Bloom haha, they're taking it good. The first 2 pictures are CH9 Humboldt & Aroma. The last 5 are of all my Blue Widow Babies:) Leave some :leaf:LOVE:leaf:



Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Day 14 (end of week 2)

I figured out the white fungus is harmless and a result of the soil not drying out quick enough so I scraped it away. I buried the stems up to the tops of the cups to help try to prevent this, while also making the plants look smaller & bushier. I gave them their first dose of nutrients on the 12th. I think I gave them like a half dose of Big Bloom haha, they're taking it good. The first 2 pictures are CH9 Humboldt & Aroma. The last 5 are of all my Blue Widow Babies:) Leave some :leaf:LOVE:leaf:
Might wanna be using a nute with a lil more N in veg. Your plants are still small so they probably don't need anything right now tbh.


Well-Known Member
things are rollin right along.. youll be sittin pretty in no time.... about my outher post and the light.. ill retract my previous statemet about a bigger light. i thin your gonna do really awesome in that size space ad the rail your gonna love it.. i noticed with mine the first run, DONT let it pause at each end, cause the middle wil not get as much just let it track back and forth with no pause everything is much more even


Well-Known Member
subbed ...... just about to get my kush seeds from attitude... getting a bluewidow free ... will be watching yours mate :-)


Well-Known Member
Week 3 Update:

First 2 up-closes are CH9 Aroma & Humboldt
Last 5 up-closes are all Dinafem Blue Widow's

I gave them their first half dose nutrient feed a couple days ago, they took well to it :) however in the last picture, Blue Widow, it's showing signs of a deficiency.. I'll up the dose to full dose and see how that goes, I'm not too worried though. Other than that.. the Blue Widow's are definitely showing at least 2 different pheno's.. one's a little mutated, but hey.. sometimes those are the dankest. Any whoooo... I need some feedback, most seedlings are showing 4th leafset.. I really want to move underneath the 400w.. I'll put it 15" abow the tops, what do you guys think? Again thank you all for 'subbing' in, it's much appreciated leave some :leaf:LOVE:leaf:




Well-Known Member
i think the blue's are gonna be heavy feeders, some of them (the bigger ones) are showing deficiencies, i'll have to go full strength on the next water and see how that goes.. little brown spots and the stems are a little too purple. just a heads up for anyone who's growing em.