
Well-Known Member
Fill the bag half full. If it doesn't work the first time, increase the temp. Sucking down a full bag is much harder.
Need bigger lungs matey :p just hold the end of the bag at the same time, and twist as you inhale, she empties twice as quick ;) 2 pulls 1 bag for me, sometimes 3...

Yeah I didn't realize this thread was from last year either. All good I like revisiting old threads. Especially ones like this where we can see how far everyone has come in a year.

Questions for some of your more knowledgeable guys. I have some spice in a sealed vial which is also in a closed case that's probably close to a year and a half old. Don't think it was even exposed to light in over a year. It isn't in the fridge or freezer or any temperature controlled environment though. Basically just been sitting in a desk drawer. What do you guys think? Still good? It was extremely high quality to begin with.

BTW has anyone seen ANC around lately? He used to be a HS regular but I don't think I've seen a new post from him in months. Always a cool dude in my book.
lol, all good! i think your spice would be fine, its made from an organic source but in its freebase form it will last for ages as far as i can tell! Mine has been in the fridge for over 2 years, and still takes no more than 30-40mg to space trip :) if it hasn't seen light i would say its fine.
Haven't seen ANC for ages, i'm sure hes still trippin ;)


Well-Known Member
Quite true duck...i haven't seen a few members in a while..wonder if it has to do with all the site updates?