Destroy in case of Emergency?


Well-Known Member
ok iv got it lower the level of your grow room so the top part is where the rest of the houses floor is then have 2 slabs of whatever would work on each side of the wall up top have a panic button leading to those walls so when you push it hydrolic arms push the 2 slabs on the walls they fall down creating a floor at the same height as the rest of your house. when there gone just pull them back up again. man im amazing lol


New Member
They can't come in without a warrant, and you never invite police or vampires into your home. Scissors and flushing the toilet ought to work well for the plants.

Keep a few houseplants in your grow room, then you'll have something under the lights that is legal.


Well-Known Member
have the plants in a hidden room of some kind and have a very marijuana type setup in a regular room but with legal plants like tomatoes. They will see it and mabey buy it. That would explain everything unless they can actually smell it.


Well-Known Member
I've already thought this through... Here's what you do. You go out to wal mart or the such and buy some cheap plants that don't require much attention. (They're everywhere, I've already went and purchased to large plants.) THe cops pull up, you leave you're equipment there and replace the mari with the sub plants you bought. (this all happens before they can even knock.) You then have a preselected hiding spot for your crop, and put the crop there. Or, if you want to dispose of it... Eat it. Lol. That was my last plan.


Well-Known Member
liking jobos idea there is actualy a plan for a green house somewhere on the net where they have very high smelling legal plants in the green house then a secret hatch and below it has all the ilegal stuff. but if they do a big raid they will use the equipment that measure your house for fake rooms under the floor would be impossible tho


Well-Known Member
liking jobos idea there is actualy a plan for a green house somewhere on the net where they have very high smelling legal plants in the green house then a secret hatch and below it has all the ilegal stuff. but if they do a big raid they will use the equipment that measure your house for fake rooms under the floor would be impossible tho

yeah if you have a trap door you'd still have to have something to destroy the plant matter, the acid might work in this situation but it would have to be INCREDIBLY concentrated and the trapdoor opening would release noxious and noticeable fumes and that would tip the cops off to something... if they can get a 7 bladed leaf out of it in time that's probably all they'll need to convict you in court.

the incinerator is the best option. but like it has been said before if you ever hear a knock you better practice a sprint to that room and be able to get their in about 2.3 seconds then you'll have about 2.7 to get the plants in the incinerator, so keeping more plants than you can grab with two hands would be impractical.

and by the time the incinerator kicked on they'd already have the plants taken into evidence and you'd be on the way to lockup.

so really the only viable option and trust me on this you'd have to be fucking QUICK is the incinerator, and you'd have to leave it running 24/7.

heat signatures are only noticeable when the heat is being routed to a specific exit... if it's evenly dispersed throughout your house or attic then it won't be an issue. so really the best thing is to have a low key op, use low power lights and vent into the attic or just the rest of your house. and DON'T TELL ANYONE.