Define Irony...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
and also wanted to mention that she discovered corn pasta. it is the only gluten free pasta that i will even eat. more costly, but same or better taste and texture.

i am still waiting for science to make gluten-free bread that does not need to be toasted black to be decent :)
I've found corn pasta at the 99 cent store.


Well-Known Member
That's so cute.

Being a vegan isn't so hard as people think it is. Like anything, you have to have good tasting food. Vegan food, done properly, can give the same satisfaction as meat eater foods. Like tonight I had a meatball(vegan Trader Joe's), marinara and mozzarella(vegan Daiya)on a french bread steak roll. Every bit as tasty as you'd get at Quizno's. But plain veggies are fine by me too.

See, I'm not trying to be preachy. But I hear the how hard arguement all the time. I can assure, with proper cooking, even a meat eater, like yourself would be plenty satisfied.

I wasn't always a vegan. I didn't even convert out if kindness for animals. I did it for Bill Clinton reasons. My cholesterol, blood pressure and pulse were all so high, the doctor said he wanted to check me in three months. If I didn't improve, he was putting me on medication. I hate big pharma so much, I went vegan those three months, so I wouldn't ingest a milligram of cholesterol. In those three months my cholesterol went down 40 points, and my bp and pulse became normal. I was so relieved, I could even go back to meat. But I felt no need, and stayed with it ever since.

I used to be such a meat eater. 3x3 Inn n' Out animal style, or a Pizza Hutt meat lovers. Those were my favorite. I'd have those a few times a month.

For me, the hardest thing is how expensive it is. Like that meatball sandwich cost $3, and I had to make it myself! If you want take out vegan, you need to make it yourself.

As the years went by, I became quite the animal activist too. Strange it was the diet that made me, not me making the diet like most vegans.

Vegetables are what food eats.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
How you got that from what he said is a mystery...
Because I wasn't insulting anyone with the comment he had to make a childish remark about. When kids have a crush on someone, they don't know how to express their emotions. So I was making it clear my intentions towards him. I don't like leading people on.