Decepticons Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
i got 7 bagseed that took out of an old collection bag and 2 gdp x ice that took
im not expecting much seeing as this is my first real attempt at doing outside growing
id be happy with just 1 out of the 9 to be female in the end lol
ive started em inside under a clamp light
ill be updating pics when something exciting happens or when i take em outside which will be in April or when the trees have leaves on em

(in the middle picture i was shocked at this one cause the size of the leaves on it for the age it is
possibly a pollen saver if male)



Well-Known Member

well from the way the roots was they should be happy to be out of the cups and into the holes lol

also sometime turning the night the clamp light fell and fried some leaves and i had to remove a top off one

i probably planted em a few weeks to early but its been crazy warm here 80s in the days and mid 50s at night

Live and learn right? / trial and error


I'm deff gonna follow your post ... cause im doing the same thing you are by starting them under a light and moving them outside, and i wanna see how yours turn out.

Good luck on the grow


Well-Known Member
Nothing special some potting mix i picked up at lowes id have to look tomorrow to see what name is on the bags


Well-Known Member
i did the same thing your doing, but i fucked up because i had them on 24 hours light and put them out side in the ground like you did and there flowering on me so i dont no if there gonna continue flowering are if they will start to reveg when the days get longer


Well-Known Member
they are around 6 - 7 inchs, but hey if they go into flowering i can remove the males and ill be okay with the females revegging i got nothing but time plus i still go stuff going on inside

chances are they might go into flowering and reveg but seeing as we only have few days left of this month and i was always told to plant early april early may, but i also got 3 - 4 inch seedlings thrown out my window thats been out there for a week or 2 and there is no signs of sex what so ever