DEA has been monitoring Home Depots to bust growers since at least 2007


Active Member
The guy who got caught made two mistakes:

1. He probably bought an insane amount of fertilizer rather than making several smaller trips that would have avoided suspicion.
2. He was Hispanic.

Honestly, you have virtually nothing to worry about if you make small purchases. You're not going to get tailed by the DEA for buying a few gallons of hydro nutes and some rockwool.


Active Member
The guy who got caught made two mistakes:

1. He probably bought an insane amount of fertilizer rather than making several smaller trips that would have avoided suspicion.
2. He was Hispanic.

Honestly, you have virtually nothing to worry about if you make small purchases. You're not going to get tailed by the DEA for buying a few gallons of hydro nutes and some rockwool.
eagle: they have rockwool @ your home depot? i can't even get good nutes/soil @ my local, they have only scotts products... which aren't worth poop to me...


Active Member
Has anyone ever shopped on Amazon or Google? It amazing how many growers buy stuff. Type any product that you might use in your grow room, then look at the bottom of "what others purchased with this item". You will be shocked to see all the "other" items you too use in your grow room. It would be so easy for them to track and bust growers just by accessing googles personal information on what you searched for and bought. We as growers are very predictable and use the same items as other growers, even when we could use other similar products to get the same results. Give it try. Try typing something you think would not trigger other recommended items that you use, or you know other growers use, for their grow.

I'm of the opinion that the DEA agent was already tailing that suspect, and used the "observation" of seeing them purchase ferts that allowed them to expand/deepen thier investigation of this guy. This guy grew alot of weed, was an illegal, and was prob. part of a drug cartel that has been waging war along the Texas border. Hell, they deported him ASAP. That guy isnt one of our RUI buddies, he a full on drug cartel member that came to America to grow weed, pollute our national forest, and sell it on the streets. The DEA had their sites on this guy, and he was on the radar for a reason.


Well-Known Member
bet he was wasted when he went to buy the stuff and he didnt look like no "horti-fucking- culturalist"



Well-Known Member
What if the guy was growing tomatoes? Far as I know it is not illegal to grow Tomatoes either. Since it was the DEA involved and NOT Homeland defense we can say with certainty that they suspected him of Growing "Something", and not suspected of making a truck bomb. Where is the probable cause? Obviously if the DEA/CIA/FBI/Local Sheriff follows you around for 6 months the odds that you will be caught doing something illegal is greatly increased. Most people break an average of 7 laws before they get to work in the morning. Besides didn't the Supreme court rule that the smell of marijuana is not probable cause to search anyway? The feds step all over the law.
The biggest mistake made was giving consent to search.


Well-Known Member
Your subject is misleading. You claim the DEA (rather than a single agent) is (never was) monitoring Home Depots (it was one agent who noticed a large fert purchase by chance) since 2007 (as if it is still ongoing)

just another hyped up story with a misleading title to scare people... Good job... :clap:
I agree, this did veer of course from the headline. Totally sucked in, left disappointed:-(


Well-Known Member
Very few people actually know that the CIA funded Google before it became a household name, why??? so they could monitor the worlds internet traffic without having to openly infringe our anonynimity on the net.


Well-Known Member
Very few people know the cia funded google. Yea, like zero. Drop your subscription the The Daily Conspirator.


Well-Known Member
This Thread is Slightly MIS-LEADING. This is not going on as a DEA practice, Some gov. officials watch Hydro Stores, Some Watch Hope Depot, Some Watch Walmart, Some watch your local neighborhood corner. Their are NOT ENOUGH DEA/POLICE to WATCH EVEN 2x Home Depots in each State. on a regular basis. This is PROPAGANDA, dont make some1's Incident a Reality. FEDs KNOW PPL GROW AND ARNT HUNTING THEM DOWN. FED only care for thoes Evading tens of thousands of TAX dollars. So put your THINKING CAP ON. Right after reading this thread and REPLY NO MORE.

Here's the guts of what you need to know, the tactics of your DEA. One more for GO TORONTO eh?

"On May 28, 2007, a Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) special agent noticed a group of men purchasing a large quantity of fertilizer from a Home Depot.   Recognizing the fertilizer as a type frequently used to grow marijuana, he followed the men as they left the store and saw them drive away in a silver 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee.   Law enforcement later identified one of the men as Juan Pineda-Moreno, the owner of the Jeep.

In June, DEA agents obtained information that Pineda-Moreno and his associates had purchased large quantities of groceries, irrigation equipment, and deer repellant at several stores.   On several of these occasions, the group traveled in Pineda-Moreno's Jeep. Agents eventually followed these individuals to a trailer home Pineda-Moreno was renting at the time.

After learning where Pineda-Moreno lived, agents escalated their investigation.   Over a four-month period, agents repeatedly monitored Pineda-Moreno's Jeep using various types of mobile tracking devices.   Each device was about the size of a bar of soap and had a magnet affixed to its side, allowing it to be attached to the underside of a car.

Agents installed these devices on the underside of Pineda-Moreno's Jeep on seven different occasions.   On four of these occasions, the vehicle was parked on a public street in front of Pineda-Moreno's home.   On one occasion, it was located in a public parking lot.   On the other two occasions, the Jeep was parked in Pineda-Moreno's driveway, a few feet from the side of his trailer.   The driveway leading up to the trailer was open;  agents did not observe any fence, gate, or “No Trespassing” signs indicating that they were not to enter the property.   The agents entered Pineda-Moreno's driveway between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. and attached the tracking devices to the Jeep. Once in place, the tracking devices recorded and logged the precise movements of the vehicle.   Some of these devices permitted agents to access the information remotely, while others required them to remove the device from the vehicle and download the information directly.

On September 12, 2007, information from a mobile tracking device alerted agents that Pineda-Moreno's vehicle was leaving a suspected marijuana grow site.   Agents followed the Jeep, pulled it over, and smelled the odor of marijuana emanating from a passenger in the backseat of the vehicle.   The agents contacted immigration authorities, who arrested all three individuals in the vehicle for violations of immigration laws.   Pineda-Moreno subsequently consented to a search of his vehicle and home.   In Pineda-Moreno's trailer, agents found two large garbage bags full of marijuana."


I'm glad to be Canadian some days.


Well-Known Member
Which is True, BUT.. The Government also Has the Technology to Watch your home 24/7 and have AUDIO from in your HOME without entering it. But I DOUBT they are spending the Cash on YOU... PPL need to stop doing cocaine or do More of It. This makes me upset, its like.. . Fellow Potheads Spreading FEAR among other PotHeads. If you GET CAUGHT/BUSTED/IN TROUBLE. Its not the Shadow Gov. Its YOU not having your CARDS in ORDER. Stop ACTING like your an IMPORTANT PERSON WHO GROWS DECENT BUD, the Cops dont want you.
I also heard that LEO are stacking out the parking lots of Hydro shops and taking plate numbers.


Well-Known Member
Very few people know the cia funded google. Yea, like zero. Drop your subscription the The Daily Conspirator.
Ah yes that old chestnut......government fed vomiting of conspiracy talk from kooky nutheads called conspiracy theorists, try to say something original next time. If you had the gumption you could easily investigate through the freedom of information act and declassified files but hey what do I know...I'm just a conspiracy theorist.

It's people like you that will let your country down when the shit hits the fan in a few years, let me guess, your federal reserve is government owned and run, the NWO is a farce, FEMA is a figment of conspiracy theorists minds, 9/11 was committed by a bunch of dimwits from Afghanistan who outwitted NORAD, the worlds most sophisticated ground to air global radar tracking system as well as the US government.

When you see clips demonstrating how stupid middle Americans are feel embarrassed my friend, feel embarrassed!!


Well-Known Member
I LIKE ALL you SAY Except the DIMWIT part, Yes a True LAME American WOULD think Taliban or Middle Eastern Radicals are DIMWITS. but the REALITY is, Thoes who Run Extreamist Organizations, Terrorist Groups. Are As EDUCATED as any Educated Human/American on the Planet.. Its OUR EGO, in us THINKING THEIR DIMWITs, THAT Pwns us at the end of the DAY. Cause as Not-USED to their WAY OF LIFE we are only means we are FAILING. IF SHIT HIT THE FAN IN THE BIG PICTURE, their are 1BILLION MUSLIMS on this PLANET, and 300MILLION CHRISTIAN* AMERICANS in America. WE WONT BE THE LASTING/SURVIVING CIVILIZATION.
Ah yes that old chestnut......government fed vomiting of conspiracy talk from kooky nutheads called conspiracy theorists, try to say something original next time. If you had the gumption you could easily investigate through the freedom of information act and declassified files but hey what do I know...I'm just a conspiracy theorist.

It's people like you that will let your country down when the shit hits the fan in a few years, let me guess, your federal reserve is government owned and run, the NWO is a farce, FEMA is a figment of conspiracy theorists minds, 9/11 was committed by a bunch of dimwits from Afghanistan who outwitted NORAD, the worlds most sophisticated ground to air global radar tracking system as well as the US government.

When you see clips demonstrating how stupid middle Americans are feel embarrassed my friend, feel embarrassed!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call you a theorist . . .

I doubt you ever made a FOIA request in your life. you just watch and post youtube videos like all your buddies.

I will never let my country down. Now if I could just figure out what country that is. . . .sorry, I'm a little thick like most of my close relatives.

Gee whiz, I thought the 9/11 conspirators were supposed to be Saudi Arabian and Yemeni. I'm pretty sure not Afghans, dim-witted or otherwise.

My level of embarassment is low. I will show you my hemorrhoids if you like.


Well-Known Member
mMmm.. .Hemorrhoids. :) Well All I know is its Bigger than we know, You cannot single out 1 government. America Sells Weapons to its Enemies, Allies and Kids. Just not in our Politically Correct Country. When you can see things in a worldly view and not an Outlooking point from America, you'll see its not all Morally Correct. The world works in many ways and its Taken Thousands of Years to come up with a plan to have it Tick Just the Way it Is now. and Trust me, We hardly Scratch the Surface when it comes to finding the Truth. Because as off-balanced as it seems, Asking who was behind 9/11 is like asking Who was Behind creating the Pyramids. Some PPL DO KNOW, and We DONT.. for a reason.


Well-Known Member
Why do trolls choose my threads from August 2010 to reply to. Start a new thread, its easier to ban you that way. :)


Well-Known Member
I LIKE ALL you SAY Except the DIMWIT part, Yes a True LAME American WOULD think Taliban or Middle Eastern Radicals are DIMWITS. but the REALITY is, Thoes who Run Extreamist Organizations, Terrorist Groups. Are As EDUCATED as any Educated Human/American on the Planet.. Its OUR EGO, in us THINKING THEIR DIMWITs, THAT Pwns us at the end of the DAY. Cause as Not-USED to their WAY OF LIFE we are only means we are FAILING. IF SHIT HIT THE FAN IN THE BIG PICTURE, their are 1BILLION MUSLIMS on this PLANET, and 300MILLION CHRISTIAN* AMERICANS in America. WE WONT BE THE LASTING/SURVIVING CIVILIZATION.
I don't for a second think that they are dimwits, I assume Americans think they are dimwits. I am not American, I am South African. I don't think that the "shit hitting the fan" will be from the muslims, it will be from inside your own country, your leaders and the extremely wealthy financiers who really control your country and most of the western world with the exception of Iran, North Korea and the other 5 surviving countries not sucked up and run by the NWO.

There is no such thing as a terrorist, Americans made that word up so they could find a common enemy to fight against so that the weapons industry could thrive, same goes for the UK. The CIA and Mi6 created Al-Qeida, meaning the database, a list of farmers they trained and supported with weapons etc. this is not new but it clearly is to some.

Most westerners are too busy living their comfortable lives feeding on TV and media and clothes and all kinds of bullshit material things to realise that their worlds are slowly being eroded by money grabbing pricks who have built America.

I feel sorry for anyone living in the States now, unless you wake up you all will not be enjoying your freedoms for much longer.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call you a theorist . . .

I doubt you ever made a FOIA request in your life. you just watch and post youtube videos like all your buddies.

I will never let my country down. Now if I could just figure out what country that is. . . .sorry, I'm a little thick like most of my close relatives.

Gee whiz, I thought the 9/11 conspirators were supposed to be Saudi Arabian and Yemeni. I'm pretty sure not Afghans, dim-witted or otherwise.

My level of embarassment is low. I will show you my hemorrhoids if you like.
Show more ignorance by assuming pal, and I am well aware that the 12 were from other countries other than Afghan. Did you get that from a youtube video.

If you dont want to let your country down then start opening your eyes to what is unfolding there. Your blinkered view on being patriotic is hindering you from seeing the truth.

You may show me your hemrroids if you want, whatever floats your boat!!