Day 45...Lookin Good so far but I have a problem...Pics


Well-Known Member
There in day 45 right now from seed, and day 10 of flower. The tallest one is my bagseed (sativa) i can tell, and the others are indica. I have 4 total under my 400watt HPS. Anyways the sativa is freakin tall and packing on sites real good. Will the Indicas do the same? Should I use something to prop the other plants up to the sativa's height? I do have a cool-tube so the space isnt an issue, I just wish I could get the others closer:neutral:

The sativa(bagseed) is obvious
Others are THC Bomb and Mazar.. Thanks




Active Member
hey man they look great!

is that a secret jardin DR60 tent? i am currently using one myself and i love it.

what are you temps in there?

btw, it wouldnt hurt to lift up the smaller plants to the same height as the others, if you dont and just leave it . its also fine, but the shorter one will for sure stretch more if it is farther away from the light to make up the space. this is not nessicarilly a bad thing just depends. personally i have had the same problem before and jsut left the shorter one and she turned out great.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro...Its the dr80 tent though.

I mean I hear all the hype about the 400 hps but im not seeing any...10 days and barely starting to show hairs??

Its just im waiting for this to bud up..I will take the advice and prop them up w/something


Active Member
ya buddy dont worry its coming, they look nice n healthy

i use only a 250 inside my dr60 and she does wonders for me.

i heard that the 400 watt generates high temps inside the dr80 , have u had any heat issues?