day 28 My baby--PICS


Well-Known Member
Very nice looking, overall looks nice and healthy and it looks like you're going to get a pretty good yield with them cfl's.

great job!


Well-Known Member
hmm the second picture to the 4th where it grew it 2 big heads are nearly 2 weeks. give or take a day


Well-Known Member
nice, i might have to top my plants now :D

I dont know much about topping tho

you do it during veg tho dont ya :D

You think i should do it on my best plant or my worst plant?
Is it atall risky?


Well-Known Member
I dont know if its risky I know i did it to soon so mabe what i did was risky. I was told to top at like the 4th or 5th node. I did it at the 3rd.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i think the plant im planning on doing it to has 5 nodes.
i just looked at one side of the stem and the plant is like 5 nodes high...i cant make any sence tonight lol hold on ill try again.

I just looked at the plant and it is 6 nodes high, nodes change what side they grow from each set dont they like they grow a opposite side each time...i am feeling so dumb tonight i cant remember nothing :(

EDIT: ooh thats y its confusing me, because there are allot of nodes coming of of the stalks but 6 coming of the stem :D

well 12 but its 6 high (2 on each side)


Well-Known Member
total days:78
days in flower 48

Gave it a good nute watering today. thought she would be done soon but now shes poping out new white hairs all over the tops of the buds. Sun was out today so she finaly got some real sun in over a week.

Any thought on how long she has left? I originally thought only a few weeks, but now it seems to be longer. Not sure..




Well-Known Member

crystals looked milky today.. also it was in the sun all day sun was out nice today and when the sun hit the buds they gave off a orangy amber glow off the crystals.. not sure if it was just the sun or the buds are getting near ready.

