Daves Aerogarden grow (with pics).


Active Member
Yo dave i just started with a stealth aerogarden grow, i am growing lowlife seeds and i was wondering what about the two starting nuts that come with AG? I germinated 6 seeds and placed them into the holders i added the two nuts to the water, do you think i should flush?


Well-Known Member
yea man def. flush, if you have good water use that but i bought distilled throughout the entire grow, the first month or so just use water. the baby plants cant handle it. get back at me


Active Member
okay i flushed almost completely, what i did was dump out all the water and refilled it with filtered water. I will get some good water once i have a chance. I am rather nervus because out of the germinated seeds the tap roots are not making much progress in the last 24 hours. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
just dont let the root grow upward, other then that they'lle do what there supposed to. if they can grow in dirt they'lle have no problem goin through the sponge. your best bet is to not look at the ag for a couple days, then youde be suprised when you see it.


Active Member
Sorry one more thing, did you test PH of the water during your grow? I could not find anywere in the thread that said anything. Im asking this becasue i keep reading that you should keep the ph around 5.5 to 6.5 well this filtered water is around 7.4 and i can lower the ph by using about a 1/2 tablespoon per gallon? Any comments?


Well-Known Member
no man i didnt, i used the ag nutes they self adjust the ph. and thats why i used distilled water, ph is good in distilled. but if you have the materials do it up man, i just didnt have cash to dumo into nutes and a ph tester.


Active Member
Okay i will go get some good water once i have a chance, funny things is my car broke and its kind of hard to get around for the next few days. Here are a few pictures of my set-up. I know its a little small but im only hopeing to hold 3 short autoflowing plants at a time.



Active Member
from bottom to top its 26 inches, it gives me about 18-19 to grow with, it is taller then the AG can go which is good bc i have a 5 bulb fixture i will attach to the top when the plants are big enough. I have a UVB bulb in there so i hope that helps create some THC! the entire box is air proof and the temp is fan regulated between 75-85 degrees.


Well-Known Member
cool man, your gonna need to start flowering really early, because once you start flowerig they grow 2 to 3 times the size.


Active Member
Well I am only growing those Autoflowering lowryder and lowlife seeds which i read only get 12-18 inches but from some of the threads i see i think they will grow as big as you let them. The breader told me to go 20/4 the entire grow


Well-Known Member
Im from nh too good to see that nh has a pioneer in something... been pretty boring up here for awhile with this shitty weahther and all. The grow looks great man i am also using the ag but had to start over last week as my heating sux and the plants got too cold in their little closet but oh well keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
nice dude nh is the shit, were gettin some sick buds right now. everyone seems to be finishing there winter grows.. before you know it we'll be planting outdoor opp's. good luck with the ag, you need anything ask away man. peace


Well-Known Member
Man I'm thinking about getting one of those rubbermaid grows going like your buddy had. What all do I need for that? I mean, it looked like you guys had that thing rigged to tha max...I'm afraid if i built it, it would catch on fire.


Active Member
Alright dave, After reading the whole thread I only have one question, which method do you think was the best? The Ag or the DIY rubbermaid deal? I have never grown before and only found this site while searching for Ag BUD growing stories.

The AG seems to pretty much do everything for you, aside from the water change but thats every 2 weeks , which aint bad. Like I said Ive never grown before but am eager to get started and dont know shit, so let me know what you think AG or diy, Also I live in FL if that helps at all and my APT. although not smalll is in a APT community so Smell and size are an issue.

Thanks And great job with the AG and DIY , cant "weight" to find out the yeild.

OH yeah sorry 2 questions, where can a man get some seeds? I found some online places but that doesn't seem safe?


Well-Known Member
Alright dave, After reading the whole thread I only have one question, which method do you think was the best? The Ag or the DIY rubbermaid deal? I have never grown before and only found this site while searching for Ag BUD growing stories.

The AG seems to pretty much do everything for you, aside from the water change but thats every 2 weeks , which aint bad. Like I said Ive never grown before but am eager to get started and dont know shit, so let me know what you think AG or diy, Also I live in FL if that helps at all and my APT. although not smalll is in a APT community so Smell and size are an issue.

Thanks And great job with the AG and DIY , cant "weight" to find out the yeild.

OH yeah sorry 2 questions, where can a man get some seeds? I found some online places but that doesn't seem safe?
I'd recommend either building your own aero/hydro system or doing soil. I've heard soil tastes better, and dave said his buddy's soil/rubbermaid tasted the best. But you can build a better system than the AG for cheaper...besides you're gonna have to make mods to your AG to grow well. As for seeds, either get a pre-paid card and ship them to a friend's house or just go with good bagseed. Dave was lucky to get clones. :peace: