Darn seeds!!!!!??


Well-Known Member
Ok every time I plant a seed I keep it dark and they the seeds pop grow to 2" than die so when is a good time to give them some light and how much/time I just think I dont give them light as oon enough

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
as soon as it pops through the soil give it 18 to 24 hours of light per day. a couple of cfl's will do the trick for the first couple of weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
well if your able to use a air cool reflective hood then you will be able to get your MH pretty close.....i can actually touch the glass surrounding my bulb. and its just warm to the touch...i have great ventilation......but if you dont have good ventilation, your gonna have to keep the bulb a good distance from the sprouts....but since mine is well vented, i keep mine about 2 feet from them.....tho this is my first indoor grow, they seem to be loving it........

but yes, as soon as they break soil, put the light on them


Well-Known Member
i have a hps and cmh but i use flouresent tubes for seedlings then cfl very close to keep tight internode space then i go to big lights

but all will work do what is best for you and your setup and what you like there is ahundred ways to do the same thing

good luck


Active Member
I too like to use a small cfl for seedlings until they get a couple of sets of real leaves. I find putting a 13W cool white a couple of inches above the seedling helps to control the stretch.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i have a hps and cmh but i use flouresent tubes for seedlings then cfl very close to keep tight internode space then i go to big lights

but all will work do what is best for you and your setup and what you like there is ahundred ways to do the same thing

good luck

i basically do the same thing. no need to use the big lights on seedlings. unless you have a ton of seedlings lol


Well-Known Member
oh you can use them will leave diff effect on veged plant my way gives compact internode space
to put a seedling under say a 250 hps it woild haft be like 2 or 3 feeet from bulb and it will be lanky as hell
not compact the way i like to start out

hps for flower cmh or mh for veg cmh best
goood bulbs important as welll
i run 2 x 250's a eye hortilux and and cmh philips i luv them both -the best

walk awy wit dis everything works -what are you after -whats your purpose- do whats best for you and your setup and purpose -not what somebody else say about day setup da way day gro
gro whut U gro da way U gro it -smoke an get superman high

gomer pile dat = dat all i got to say about dat
im out



Well-Known Member
know whaut uou want yo light to do -dont just have a light

cmh very best for veg
first 1/3 flower cmh reduces stretch
second 1/3 hps gives you rock hard buds
last 1/3 of flowercmh will give you best results from final bulk up

what i do -i use both lights for everything both run all the time during flower i bring in my uvb for 1 maybe 2 hours a dy mid day
i spin my pots a 1/4 turn each a day i rotate pots positions under the lights weekly

multy spectrum from the time i take them from under cfl till finish
do what works for you

and be true
