Dangers of shrooms?


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with the first response that latent axiety is the biggest danger.

Just wanted to share my experiences. I've done shrooms maybe 6 times. 5 times it was really really fun. I was with friends and laughed more than ever in my life. Went through some pretty trippy stuff in my head, but nothing like the visuals I got from LSD. I never did more than an eigth.

The last time I took shrooms I took a single shroom, not even a gram. Ate it at 6pm. Didn't feel too much at all, just felt extra high. When everyone started to go to bed, I thought, 'ok I'll go to bed too'. I went in and laid down, closed my eyes, and I swear that was the first the shroom kicked in. My mind started racing and going faster and faster and I totally felt trapped. I ended up driving 30 minutes to a friends house becuase my friends roomate was awake at 2:30am. I went and felt much better just being with someone I didn't know sitting on a couch not saying anything.

I do have minor anxiety issues, not the best idea to do drugs. (i know that now)

Also, I wouldn't be alone, period. But that's me. I know a lot of people would tell you different (after you try first). I'm sure some have had life changing experiences alone. Just make sure you can handle it, and try to have a backup plan.

Hope that helps a little. After all that, I would try them if I were you. Just be smart.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I just have two things to add as there is a lot of good info here. I first off would say do not take psychedelics if you are sick or fell like you might just be starting to come down with something. I have done this twice, one of the times I was in the end of a four day long fever and ate mushrooms and I would be back and fourth from feeling great to feeling 10x sicker than I was before. The other time I didn't think I was sick or starting to really get sick I just had a stuffed up nose that started that day. I ate mushrooms there too and it made my nose really runny and just made the trip unpleasant(not horrible just unpleasant). The thing I wanted to add is that the whole tripping with people or without people question. I and a lot of my friends like to do psychedelics and I and pretty much all of them agree that with mushrooms, it is good to have a sober person but you should also have another person who is at your level or a few people who are at your level. Or else it seems like there is just a separation between you and the sober one even if it is a good friend. This might be due to the fact that we always try to eat a good amount and the ones who eat just enough to get a body high and in the laughing mood usually dont care about this aspect. I would say if you are trying to trip really hard, either do it alone somewhere safe(make sure you make a playlist or cd's to listen to before because you might not be able to do it easily later) or do it with tripping friends, only a sitter in the second situataion and it shouldnt be neccessary if you have some experienced people with you.

Listen to Shpongle (songs "Beja Flor" or "Devine Moments of Truth")and loose your mind
Or chill out to some Reggae or Jam Music
Other genre work well, my friend loves techno while on mushies (more for X for me) I just stated what works best for me


Well-Known Member

this man speaks the truth, the only thing unsafe about mushrooms is your mom finding you mowing the lawn at 2am, to the moonlight. why? because its my lawn and my mower.


Well-Known Member

this man speaks the truth, the only thing unsafe about mushrooms is your mom finding you mowing the lawn at 2am, to the moonlight. why? because its my lawn and my mower.
One night I came home, still trippin around 2 am. My mom was waiting up for me. It was the weirdest thing, I just walked in and started having this mind blowing conversation with her. We ended up sitting at the kitchen table and chatting for an hour and a half. The best part, all the lights were off, so we were having like a secret interrogation type conversation.

I swear the craziest stuff happens when you are on drugs. It has to be more than just noticing more, I think all the druggies in heaven do stuff to mess with us when we are high.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you drink alot of water because during the trip you dont notice your thirsty or hungry for the matter of fact.. And thats 6 hrs of no water ......and dyhadration is a main cause of headaches and such

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
shrooms are pretty safe i think. in my experience they lower blood pressure significantly i dont know if others experience this but i do.


Well-Known Member
Hey im shroom noobie, I was thinking about trying them out, but I like ot be a more of a soft drug guy, I dont like going into the hard stuff.

Would u consider shrooms a hard drug? Are they really bad for you?
the only way they become bad is if you underestimate them and have a bad trip. Then you will more than likely flip out and become psycho and harm yourself or people because you dont know what else your suppose to do.

Ive had many bad trips where i tried to kill myself and the people who were watching me because i thought they were demons or monsters. its not fun.

but on the other hand if you have a good trip with someone watching you (SOMEONE WATCHING YOU IS A MUST) it will be an amazing experience and you will definitely want to try it again lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey im shroom noobie, I was thinking about trying them out, but I like ot be a more of a soft drug guy, I dont like going into the hard stuff.

Would u consider shrooms a hard drug? Are they really bad for you?
Shrooms are a soft drug. Try some ketamine.


Active Member
mushrooms changed my life. iv tripped on them around 11 times and they have totally changed my view on life, but i do feel like i have a screw loose after it all.


Well-Known Member
i did shrooms every day for 5 days !! by the 5th day i was sober.we started off every day with a gram +.the first few days were sweet,the 4th and 5th day i just felt really wired,and sober ?it was fun.that was 8 years ago haven't touched them since.i wanna do them this weekend and just found out my guy has a batch :)


Well-Known Member
i have taken them as vitamins in the past, its an interesting couple of weeks. your body gets used to them, and the effects change.


Well-Known Member
all those who grow mushies here can say this, I've had so many mushrooms i didn't know what to do with them, but I kinda moderate it. I shroom once or twice a week, just to let my tolarence drop again.


Active Member
yer less toxic then an asprin, so not doing that much damage to the body
but i do suggest startin off with a low dosage first as you can trip balls really hard nd have a bad trip
thats not what u want lol



Well-Known Member
Hmm..interesting. So, you're brain bleeds and you become addicted? Sorry, maybe I just misread as I flew through this thread.
I haven't done shrooms in YEARS, but I didn't feel in danger at all......I just went on and on about how beautiful my boobs were to my b/f, LOL. Shrooms are fun....I've never found myself feeling out of control. I won't touch a drug that does that.
BTW, I don't think I'll ever mess with them again either. I don't like the idea of eating anything from cow shit......that tastes like it too!


Well-Known Member
the only way they become bad is if you underestimate them and have a bad trip. Then you will more than likely flip out and become psycho and harm yourself or people because you dont know what else your suppose to do.

Ive had many bad trips where i tried to kill myself and the people who were watching me because i thought they were demons or monsters. its not fun.

but on the other hand if you have a good trip with someone watching you (SOMEONE WATCHING YOU IS A MUST) it will be an amazing experience and you will definitely want to try it again lol.
Woah.....now here's a reason for me to never ever divulge again.....good Lord. That just doesn't sound right. I've only eaten them 3 or 4 times. Nothing like that ever happened to me...AT ALL.
The first time I ate them, I spent over 8 hours playing pac man......I didn't even really get into video games at that time either.
I think everything just became more intense....in a good way.