Damn You History Channel!


Well-Known Member
come on man, his adrenaline is still pumping from flying to the filming station in his convertible avrocar! you'd be all over the place too if you had to outrun f-16 fighterjets on the way to work...


Well-Known Member
come on man, his adrenaline is still pumping from flying to the filming station in his convertible avrocar! you'd be all over the place too if you had to outrun f-16 fighterjets on the way to work...
that dude besides the old guy gets ULTRA excited when he talks about this shit. he dont give a shit about religion either hes always like nah god didnt come down bro its aliens


Well-Known Member
Yeah but you need to be wacky to get attention, atleast thats what my trig professor told me like 5 years ago at the community college.. it is effective suprisingly.


Well-Known Member
think einstein, bill nye, howard hughes, bill hicks, wack jobs!

but really just smart people that were passionate about their studies.


Well-Known Member
f**k netflix how are they gonna up the price when its no better than it was at $10?
i wouldnt say upping the price as much as downgrading the packages. i still pay around 9$ a month and watch it nonstop on the laptop AND the wii, @ the same time. WAY cheaper than cable, and no commercials.


Well-Known Member
yea im still payin 10 a month and i got a couple friends on mine thats the only time it sucks if more than 2 devices are tryin to use it. i been watchin breakin bad like its meth haha


Well-Known Member
I've been disappointed with history channel since the trucker show and that other show where the two guys buy junk from people started taking up all the air time. The swamp people show too. And the one where they are trying to catch ghosts and monsters How is that history? They filmed that stuff a couple months ago. And ghosts and monsters aren't even real.

Ancient aliens is awesome though, they need more shows like that.