Cyco VS Remo. DWC-480W LED



One of the thing i like the most in growing is trying out different nutrients / lights / strains.

I live in europe and have tried most nutrients brand out there and i was really interested in trying some non european brands.

So i bought cyco's hydro pack, and remo hydro pack as well.

I have the following stuff :

- 3 x 3 box (only 5.8 ft tall )
- 2x 34 litres DWC buckets
- 480w Quantum board LED with custom spectrum ( a little more UV and far red than standard model)

i used tu run a 402+ spectrum king but this board is better, and it hurts me to admit it since the SK was so expensive in comparison

I will be growing 2 plants, 1 with cyo and 1 with remo.

They are CLONES of dinafem kush n cheese.

CYCO will always be on the right, and remo on the left

I usually do scrog, but for this run i decided to try manifolding to have plants that are really trained as close as possible to each other. The net was just used at the beginning to get the branches in the right place. I decided to leave 6 APEX per plant
I decided to publish the results only recently so unfortunately i dont have a lot of pictures of the veg phase.

I would like to insist on the fact that i am NOT trying to make the highest yield possible on this run, i want the plants to have enough space to grow without too much shadowing on each other to really see the differences in the nutrients, so please dont tell me that i am a n00b because i am not making a 8g/w, that is not the purpose. I want lots of light so the genetics and nutrients can give their best.

I have posted a similar topic on other forums so that as much people would benefit from my experiment.
Please also be indulgent as english is not my native language

Ok so here we go :

This is how they looked 1 week after being put in buckets. Remo left, cyco right, as you can see, cyco started off a bit faster.


this was 1 week or so later, as you can see cyco is still slightly in front but not by much., its at this point that i switched to 12/12

And finally this was 1 week after switching to 12/12, i topped a little here and there, as you can see, the plant grown with REMO did catch up the other one. I have to say that i was really surprised to see already so much difference just in the veg phase.

Those pictures are 1 or 2 week old, i will post more recent ones this week.

I hope you guys will enjoy this experiment as much as i do


Hello everyone!

So here is the 1st upate, the plants are doing great, in my opinion i think remo are doing a little bit bette, the plant is slightly bigger and bushier. Her root system is slightly bigger as well.

I am running the recommended dosage, so EC is around 1.4, and PH 5.7 for both plants.

Appart from the performance of those nutrients i have to say that as far as ease of use is concernend i like remo more than cyco. There is way less bottles and the dosage is the same for every product which makes it simpler to use.

here are the pictures

REMO left, cyco right


REMO left, cyco right


this plant is the one grown with cyco, as you can seeit is less bushy, maybe the buds will be bigger, we will see


This one is grown withy remo, it is bushier, and generally biggerthan the other one, for now on at least!


will be updating next week



Well, since i havent had a lot of success with this thread i didnt feed as much as i wanted but anyway here are the results.

the pictures are in chronological order. remo is on LEFT and cyco on the RIGHT






So as you can see, the plant grown with remo was a tiny bit smaller at the beginning but quickly catch up.

THe final dry yield is the following

CYco : 98 grams
Remo : 312g

I am absolutely astounded by those results... I have tried a lot of different nutrient brands and never had i such a gap in yield and appearance. If it would be between a high en brand and a shitty one i would still be surpsied by those results, but cyco is supposed to be a great and reputable brand...

I think cyco is a good brand, but remo is just absolutely epic. The big differnce started to be even clearer during the drying. The cyco plant shrinked a lot, but the one with remo didnt as much. The buds are much denser, heavier, thicker.

here is a picture of an average bud of the cyco plant and an average bud of the remo plant :


I think this test is really interesting. I always thought nutrients played a big part but never that it could be that much. I will only use remo from nbow on. their nutrient line is simple and not too expensive.

Here are some aditionnal pictures of the plants. To be honest i think the one with cyco looked absolutely incredible, with the purple hues, and hooked leaves.file4-10.jpeg
