cut the girls down early AM

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
What you are trying to claim is basically the same as saying that bottling beer in clear glass won't change the fermentation process. There is a reason they bottle really hoppy (plant material similar to bud) beers in dark glass. To prevent light penetration.
No its not.

What you are claiming is like saying if you bottle the beer in the night as apposed to the morning it will be better. You're not talking about curing you're talking about harvesting foo..

It's true that light degrades the thc at a faster rate then if it was in complete darkness...but not the way you're claiming. it doesn't happen Overnight. And besides in darkness or not it's going to degrade anyways. You can tell your just repeating shit you've read..saying the plant sends the nutrients it's already taken back to the roots during darkness is fucking dumb. The plant converts food into energy it can't give it back.


Well-Known Member
What you are trying to claim is basically the same as saying that bottling beer in clear glass won't change the fermentation process. There is a reason they bottle really hoppy (plant material similar to bud) beers in dark glass. To prevent light penetration.
That's true. I have an affinity for green bottle beers, it lets in a certain length light wave, and gives the beer its trademark "skunky" bouquet.


Well-Known Member
No its not.

What you are claiming is like saying if you bottle the beer in the night as apposed to the morning it will be better. You're not talking about curing you're talking about harvesting foo..

It's true that light degrades the thc at a faster rate then if it was in complete darkness...but not the way you're claiming. it doesn't happen Overnight. And besides in darkness or not it's going to degrade anyways. You can tell your just repeating shit you've read..saying the plant sends the nutrients it's already taken back to the roots during darkness is fucking dumb. The plant converts food into energy it can't give it back.
Taken directly from an article in High Times. ;)

Another little known fact is that the roots grow and develop during the dark hours, which is critical for the development of young plants. Roots also breathe in oxygen (as opposed to the CO2 that the rest of the plant breathes in), and this occurs much more prominently during the nighttime hours. It is for these reasons that giving your plants a few hours of darkness during their vegetative stage is recommended.’s-nuggets-understanding-light-and-dark-cycles-during-veg-and-flower-stages

3rd paragraph down after his greetings to the question writer, Michael.

Looks like I do know what I'm talking about.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Taken directly from an article in High Times. ;)

Another little known fact is that the roots grow and develop during the dark hours, which is critical for the development of young plants. Roots also breathe in oxygen (as opposed to the CO2 that the rest of the plant breathes in), and this occurs much more prominently during the nighttime hours. It is for these reasons that giving your plants a few hours of darkness during their vegetative stage is recommended.’s-nuggets-understanding-light-and-dark-cycles-during-veg-and-flower-stages

3rd paragraph down after his greetings to the question writer, Michael.

Looks like I do know what I'm talking about.
You believe everything you read? I bet you flush to. Those articles are mostly stoner science. I told you u were just repeating stuff you read. Post up a bud shot I wanna see what all the fuss is about. Do you grow?


Well-Known Member
@Airwalker16. Your quote from the article clearly states "a few hours of darkness " I interpret this as the end of a normal night time cycle (to which I would agree) not up to 4 days as you have advocated. High Times was a good mag back in the day. Stopped reading it 20+ years ago. They are now just a tool in Arjan's (Greenhouse) marketing machine. How many times has he bought the cannabis cup? Nuff said


Well-Known Member
well. My understanding was that, if you could cut them in the dark before first light, the fact that photosynthesis had essentially shut down and alot of the liquid in the plants that they use in photosynthesis has migrated to the roots through gravity. And that that starches in the liquid plant matter has an effect on how the buds taste and how well it cures.
It could as previously mentioned be BS. I'm not a biologist. My son on the other hand is a biologist, said it makes sense. So since they were right outside a window in the house and i get up to take a leak at 5:30, and my drying room was ready. I thought why not.
Of course they are in an attic space next to my bedroom. While I'm moving them in there, my wife woke up and said "Oh my god!! is there a skunk in the house??!!" pulled the covers over her head and went back to sleep.
This is my first grow. grew them all organic outside, planted them in Coast of Maine, Platinum growers blend. They grew like weeds till the got root bound.10.5 weeks.jpg 10-5.jpg I'll let you know how it turns out.


Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
What you are trying to claim is basically the same as saying that bottling beer in clear glass won't change the fermentation process. There is a reason they bottle really hoppy (plant material similar to bud) beers in dark glass. To prevent light penetration.
Maybe you're talking about curing and saying it has something to do with pre-harvest, what the fuck did I just read?

Do you flush? Is flushing important to you? You haven't answered the question of if you are a flusher? Do you run a fuckload of plain water for weeks before harvest or not? I bet you do. My plants stay bright green up to harvest most of the time. I fed the day I harvested this week, I guess my nugs are shit, huh?

I love a good gangbang.
[Dude doesn't flush, I'm a twat, sorry dude.]
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Well-Known Member
I did answer you. I'm organic. which means I grow in the ground. My roots go DEEP. Like 10-20' deep. I'd need 5 above ground pool loads of water, focused in like a 6' radius from the stem to do any good. But it's organic so I never add nutes.


Once again I'll post this. Dont talk shit before reading first, moron. This is on page 1.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
well. My understanding was that, if you could cut them in the dark before first light, the fact that photosynthesis had essentially shut down and alot of the liquid in the plants that they use in photosynthesis has migrated to the roots through gravity. And that that starches in the liquid plant matter has an effect on how the buds taste and how well it cures.
It could as previously mentioned be BS. I'm not a biologist. My son on the other hand is a biologist, said it makes sense. So since they were right outside a window in the house and i get up to take a leak at 5:30, and my drying room was ready. I thought why not.
The only thing missing from this theory is if you waited until the next day when your lights were on, as opposed to harvesting in the dark any resin produced the previous morning would still be there. They produce the stuff all the time, it doesn't magically disappear when the lights come on. There is as much stuff there as is there when you harvest no matter what time it is. Deceptively simple.

I did answer you. I'm organic. which means I grow in the ground. My roots go DEEP. Like 10-20' deep. I'd need 5 above ground pool loads of water, focused in like a 6' radius from the stem to do any good. But it's organic so I never add nutes.

Once again I'll post this. Dont talk shit before reading first, moron. This is on page 1.
Sorry man, I guess I skipped the context of that. I'm a huge moron, that's true.
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Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
You were inappropriately rude to me in your post, man.
Perhaps. I'm OK with you, you got me back, it is the internet, stuff happens.
No hard feelings, I just got frustrated with the meaninglessness of a lot of the conversation and lashed out a bit. I have a talent for it, but it is merely rhetoric, I assure you. ;) Post updated. The comparison to bottled beer is still way off-base.


Well-Known Member
Why so angry??
It was just a question, that, at this point is meaningless as it's already done. Cut them down in the dark and they are hanging in the dark.
Someone above was right. It did come from an old HT article. And if they aren't a reliable source of info and guidance and this forum is so contentious and conflicted where can you go??

Seems that everyone is so busy telling the other they don't know what they are talking about that, from my perspective, this particular thread didn't have much use. Maybe you ought to dial it back a little and try civility, rather than sarcasm. It'll probably be better for all.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Why so angry??
It was just a question, that, at this point is meaningless as it's already done. Cut them down in the dark and they are hanging in the dark.
Someone above was right. It did come from an old HT article. And if they aren't a reliable source of info and guidance and this forum is so contentious and conflicted where can you go??

Seems that everyone is so busy telling the other they don't know what they are talking about that, from my perspective, this particular thread didn't have much use. Maybe you ought to dial it back a little and try civility, rather than sarcasm. It'll probably be better for all.
I could explain why so angry, but you'd have to read at least 1,000 threads with easily 10,000 myths presented as fact to really get it. I'm not excusing my response, I'm saying why it was the way it was, I get pissed man, I fucking get pissed. I try civility a lot, and sometimes I lose it.
Sorry to you, OP, not trying to make your thread a warzone, really.
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Well-Known Member
Bullying- wtf!!!
No gangbangers here. I was merely debating the issue with our friend @Airwalker16. I wasn't rude or disrespectful. I am not a troll. People are too quick to regurgitate fiction they read as fact and so perpetuate these myths.
And learn some forum etiquette, using capitals is the forum equivalent of shouting.