Curling Leaves. need help. pics


Active Member
my plants are about 2 weeks old and their leaves have begun to curl upwards. I am using a 400w MH and 150w HPS for veging. the 400w is three feet from the plants and the 150W is 2.5. I am feeding them with BMO super plant tonic at 1/3 power. the room is at a constant 79 F. but there is not much air circulation. also the lights are on 24/7. what could be causing my plants leaves to curl upwards?:confused:



Active Member
I'd wager on too much heat/light burn. That's a lot of watts for such young plants. I'd say grt some air on 'em a and ditch one light. It'd be nice to start out with the 150, but since the 400 is MH go with that.

Get some air going and back off withthe lights and see if that helps.

Also, what kind of water and soil?


Active Member
im using fox farms soil with water from the river next to my house that has a PH of 7.


Active Member
I've never used FF, but I've heard not to give any nutrients for the first month.

pH should be between 5.5 to 6.8 If you can, check your runoff water when you water, or mix some soil w/water and pH it. I don't think watering with neutral water in FF soil is going to give you pH problems though.

I think river water would have too many dissolved solids to use for watering potted plants, but that's just a think.


Well-Known Member
It's the soil. I'm not positive 'why' exactly, but my best guess is that the OF is too rich. I have two strains, one's Crystal, and the other is Velvet Ice, and the Crystal babies sometimes get like that, when I put them in soil, right after they've sprouted roots(cloning). The other strain is always uneffected, which is why I'm assuming that the Crystal is just really sensitive to overfert. I'm talking about the dark green mutated-looking plants, not the curled ones. Not sure about those, so I'm not guessing. :)

Also, the problem I'm talking about, isn't light or heat. My temps are good, and the plants get that way even if they're 2 feet away from my fluoros.


Active Member
thanks i thought the mutated ones were due to spider mites but im probably wrong because i haven't spotted any. did your plants improve with time?


Well-Known Member
thanks i thought the mutated ones were due to spider mites but im probably wrong because i haven't spotted any. did your plants improve with time?
Yeah, they eventually took off, but were waaaaaaay behind the uneffected plants, like a month behind. They won't take off until new foliage sprouts and replaces those mutated leaves. I scrap mine, because I always have more clones than I need, and can spare a few. My advice, would be to buy a bag of Light Warrior, Happy Frog, or something like that, for the little ones. Then, step up to the OF after they get a little bigger(first transplant). They'll recover if you're patient, just takes awhile. Also, I'm not sure if they keep mutating after they recover, 'cause I never kept one around very long. They'll still yield well, which is what counts, right? :cool:


Active Member
Im relieved that it is not spider mites but i just planted four more of the strain (serious seeds AK-47) a day ago. i hope they do not mutate also. is there any way for me to lower the nute content of the soil because i am afraid that the newly planted ones will have the same mutation.


Well-Known Member
^Some people flush their MG soil before using it, for the same reason, to wash out some of the nutes. I never tried it, so can't say much more than that. Also, I should mention that most of my Crystal plants turn out perfectly fine, except for one here and there. Maybe the OF has hotspots in it, like it isn't mixed well enough? Hmm....

Or, you could go buy a bag of cheap soil, and mix it half and half with the OF. That'd help. Add some more perlite too, that'll make it easier to wash out any excess nutes, if it becomes a problem again. Also, you'd be better off in a bigger pot. Maybe my "hotspot" theory is right, because I never have that problem once I move to 1 gallon pots. My theory there, is that the plants have room for the roots grow outwards from the toxic area, saving itself. They're pretty confined in those pots you have, and if the soil's hot, it's hot, no room to go anywhere else.


Active Member
well they are in 1.5 gal pots now. i germinated them in jiffy pots with MG but then i decided to switch to fox farms so i just placed the jiffy pots into the FF. The mutation might of occurred because of shock when the roots broke through the jiffy pots and reached the FF.


Well-Known Member
Also as another diagnosis you might want to check out, look at this thread about Tobacco Mosaic Virus and other plant viruses that cannabis can catch that can cause weird leaf mutations:

Tobacco Mosaic Virus Info

I guess a lot of plants have one or more of these viruses because people don't realize that it is a virus and treat it like over/under fertilizing or some other wrong explanation. I'm not saying that is the case with your plant but it is something to check out. :)


Active Member
thanks everyone for your help. I have decided to kill the two plants that are infected because they are only two weeks old. i will continue to grow the other nine plants that are not infected. turning off the 150w HPS and raising the 400w HPS has seemed to help the leaves that have curled upwards.