curing question??


Well-Known Member
ok.. i had a plant that wasnt lookin great.. i chopped it early into veg(6weeks) to salvage whut i could off of it... hung the premie buds for 4 days... and have been curing since.. burping twice a day... its mango kush that should be smelling wonderful but the buds just stink like hay... very upsetting..

neways, was thinking of setting a big slice of mango(in a open plastic bag to avoid direct contact wit bud) in wit the curing mango kush as to re-moisten and hopefully flavor/improve smell of bud??? all 2 cents helps.. thanks


Well-Known Member
just because it's called mango whatever, doesn't mean it will smell like that. it's going to small like hay until you cure it longer, smell and coloring is done by human intervention when the plant is growing


Well-Known Member
actually matt... im growing mango kush... i have never done nething to em and the buds smell very fruity like mango.... so apparently buds do smell like the name... otherwie why would they be called that?? dont call it mango kush because it smells like brownies....