cross breeding a marijuana/tobacco plant?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what a tobacco plant looks like or whatever but seeing alot of 'home grow tobacco' threads. Curious to see if anyone has ever tried to somehow cross breed the two plants.

lol crazy..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Take it to your lab - GMO marijuana. While you're at it, throw some strawberry genetics in there for flavor.


Well-Known Member
its not possible.
two totally unrelated species, you would have better chance of crossing a cherry with an apple
oh yes it is!!...

look up protoplast isolation and fusion..ive been looking into it for over 2

years now..theres alot of home work to it...meangreen


Well-Known Member

sick episode

i remember that episode, it was funny as hell!!

But seriously, i was watching HGTV and they showed how you could take a plant and cut it about 4 to 5 inches above the ground, then cut a slit into the center of it about an inch. then you take another plant, say a clone for instance, and insert it into the slit, and tape it up with some cloth or something. then it will grow the plant which was inserrted. the people on the show said to keep it in the same species, but also stated it would probably work with different species.

the problem with this is, what produces the THC? i think it is the roots, so with my above mentioned method, you would have to use the root ball and base stem of a marijuana plant to produce the THC. now the kicker. you have to insert something which is edible or ingestible, if to try it at all. i mean you would not want to insert something, or cross breed something for that matter, which is not healthy or good to put into the human body.

sure, tobacco is good and bad, but nicotine is proven to be addictive. so you may want to use something more like strawberrys, or a fruit or vegetable to keep the health of your body in mind. dont get me wrong, i will put some fucked up shit in my body, but i know it is fucked up when i put it in there. i would be hesitant to put something into my body which i was unsure of altogether.


Well-Known Member
OMG... you're jokeing right?

THC does not get created in the roots and transported to the flowers...

Neither will you be able to graft pot onto tobacco... you can apparently graft it on hops though, but i also read contradicting statements.


Well-Known Member
OMG... you're jokeing right?

THC does not get created in the roots and transported to the flowers...

Neither will you be able to graft pot onto tobacco... you can apparently graft it on hops though, but i also read contradicting statements.
no, i am serious, this is what I seen on HGTV.
i dont know where the THC gets created, but do you or anyone else? i would assume that the root would be the brains of it all. maybe the roots and the buds/stems/leaves work togethr, which is probably the case. so if a pot plant had a different root system then THC creation would probably be degraded or null altogether.
Like i said, the show said you should only "graft" (thanks, i could not think of the word) within the same species. they stated that it would probably work between different species. take it for what you want.


Well-Known Member
I think whatever plant is on the top is what matters. They do that sort of grafting all of the time with fruit trees - a hardy root stock with another breed of apple or whatever on top. The part grafted on top is the kind of fruit you get.


Well-Known Member
i know, we beat this horse dead, but in my quest for all knowledge marijuana, i found this. Interesting to say the least, and with everything we read on the web, should be taken with a grain of salt... Oh, scroll down and marijuana is somewhere towards the middle