Could use some advice.


Active Member
Ok , So this is my first hydroponic grow under my belt here and i need some assistance. So i have 2 baby plants in 2 separate GH Drip buckets, 1 is on her 3rd week and the other is on its 4. Now the my times were messed up because i had a bad seed with the first start so i germinated another, The thing is that the seed i started later is Twice the size of the first and has been growing for less time, Whats going on here? I also see some burn with a little wilt , are my lights still to close? thanks for reading.

Ph flux is between 5.5- 6.7
I just started feeding 2 days ago at 1/4 -5ml.
lights-400w hps about 4 feet above plants , temps ranges 70- 84, "i did have a day were somthing went out and it got up to 93" My rh is a bit low- ranges 25-39.




Well-Known Member
Its the ph. You let it get too high.
especially when they are young you need like 5.7

I see you have waterfarms, at first you may need to hand water them cause the roots are not very big.


Active Member
well i usually check my ph in the morn and it's usually around 6.0 . i will take it back down but by the time i get home from work its back up again. Should ph levels flux that quik and often?


Well-Known Member
You only have what, 3 maybe 4 gallons in there.
The larger the res the eaiser it is to keep stable.

I converted my eight pack to drain to one res. Made it much eaiser to control PH.