Alex Gold

lol Im not stopping, if i was not growing he would not search my house, and now that i am he is not just going to magically know im growing unless he smells it how can he smell it if there is no smell
Right. There are grows in mineshafts underground, well hidden that get busted. Somehow. Shit goes wrong. It takes one little shit to go wrong and everyone will smell the shit. Then your busted. Go google cannabis bust and some of that shit, these guys got budgets of hundreds of thousands and some shit went wrong and they got fucked. And those guys are smart and well financed. Your not well financed and you make assumptions.

He dont need magic to bust you. If you had your shit together you wouldnt grow in a house where a cop lives. You wouldnt even consider it.

What if you have a power outage? What if your equipment fails? What if there is a small air leak. What if the cop thinks your acting funny. Body language and just finds a fake ass reason to get a search warrant. What if your clothes stink one day. What if you have a tiny leaf on you? I find shake all over my house and I dont even grow in it. There is so much shit that can go wrong.

Just because you fooled your dad dont mean your fooling the cops. I bouncing out of this thread dude. My 10 cents is that your high risk for a bust.


Well-Known Member
Right. There are grows in mineshafts underground, well hidden that get busted. Somehow. Shit goes wrong. It takes one little shit to go wrong and everyone will smell the shit. Then your busted. Go google cannabis bust and some of that shit, these guys got budgets of hundreds of thousands and some shit went wrong and they got fucked. And those guys are smart and well financed. Your not well financed and you make assumptions.

He dont need magic to bust you. If you had your shit together you wouldnt grow in a house where a cop lives. You wouldnt even consider it.

What if you have a power outage? What if your equipment fails? What if there is a small air leak. What if the cop thinks your acting funny. Body language and just finds a fake ass reason to get a search warrant. What if your clothes stink one day. What if you have a tiny leaf on you? I find shake all over my house and I dont even grow in it. There is so much shit that can go wrong.

Just because you fooled your dad dont mean your fooling the cops. I bouncing out of this thread dude. My 10 cents is that your high risk for a bust.
pray for me man, and if power goes out then i will stick a shirt in my grow room vents and shut the door til it comes back on smell won't go no where, and good for me i dont got 100 things that can go wrong just 2 or 3, always a what if if i lived my life like that then i never would grow nothing


Well-Known Member
PS! You dont know what he can smell unless you go into his room.
like i said I use to be friends with the people under me lol i was growing before they moved and whet down there ant chilled all the time, i just dont see 3 plants seeping through my floor then a 2 ft air gap that is exposed to the out side then in to his house that MAKES CARBON FILTERS USELESS, smell is not going out my window its not seeping down in to his house 4 sure that i know it not happening 100%. its not stinking out side or in my house its just not doing any of that and wont lol, if my power shuts off like it did when it floods whats that going to change ???


Well-Known Member
I live 2 stories up and smoke by a window fan and friends have told me that can smell it in the street.

As Undercover stated I'de be more worried about smoking.
thats what im saying, my girl smokes in the bed room with the door shut and the windows closed and i cant smell it till she opens the door and its just for a second,I dont smoke right now cant, but my friend is a big pot head and lives in a small house and he always had 10 people over with 7 blunts lit and i dont smell shit till i go in side till he has his windows open then i smell it when i pull up


Well-Known Member
i think that @Alex Gold has some very valid points (power outages, hiding your grow material, etc.), and as @TubePot and i have said, the smoking will be an issue too, so you're really going to need to think about it. i think you would have to be CAREFUL about hiding your grow medium and just everything... good luck!


Well-Known Member
i think that @Alex Gold has some very valid points (power outages, hiding your grow material, etc.), and as @TubePot and i have said, the smoking will be an issue too, so you're really going to need to think about it. i think you would have to be CAREFUL about hiding your grow medium and just everything... good luck!
ill just do it like i do every other grow he not down there kuz he watching me, and i dont see how the power going out will make a deff ether way its sealed im not going to take the plants out side or open my windows and fan it in his ap

mike treez

so I live in a split house, I live up top and he lives down stairs, they use to rent the upstairs to a cop a while back before I moved in, when i moved in he moved out im not really worried to be honest but what would you all think or do its not like i been growing for years and years and now all the sudden a cop moves in the same house as me lol it has ben rented to cops before me and my shit is a small closet grow 4 plants tops... what you all think im cool with it i always here the best place is right under there noses haha
My nigga u better carefull lol! Wish u luck tho, get carbon filters.
I cant move really lol I really think im ok but want to see what you all would do with a small grow stop or keep it moving under the circumstances
naw bruh, u might Not b ok, u might wanna go head and wrap that operation up, until u can move or move to legal state. Just my 2 cents tho..

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
so I live in a split house, I live up top and he lives down stairs, they use to rent the upstairs to a cop a while back before I moved in, when i moved in he moved out im not really worried to be honest but what would you all think or do its not like i been growing for years and years and now all the sudden a cop moves in the same house as me lol it has ben rented to cops before me and my shit is a small closet grow 4 plants tops... what you all think im cool with it i always here the best place is right under there noses haha
Suck his dick. That's what I did!


Well-Known Member
any thing over 4 plants is jail time any thing under is a fine unless you live buy a school in my case i live over a cop hahah only doing 1 autoflower next grow to experiment with it so the fine is way less, I still fill safer then in the hills where they find your shit post up and wait for you to come harvest then bam they run up on you with atv and take you to jail I gro over a 100 plants in different spots and 2 get taken every year... last year i seen a deer cam I walked up from behind it and i left never to return its still a way bigger risk growing out side where they expect it, this cop is not expecting it at all, I fill if i was taking the risk of growing out side then why not keep growing in side its still safer 4 sure


Well-Known Member
Suck his dick. That's what I did!
i will kiss his ass, this is a small town nothing happens here I think im good, he is just a person like every 1 else only thing is he is a cop, the rest are cops to if they smell a grow they will turn you in just like that cop, so why stop kuz of that shit, im not the only 1 growing illegal theses cops in this hick town it not trained for shit there fat and need snitches to do there job for them i will send you all a pic of my friend that is a cop and you tell me what u think lol