
Active Member
I got a filter, i just look at like this i guess, if my "friends" that lived under me knew i was growing they would have called my landlord and told them they smell weed and she would have called the cops if any 1 around me smelled it or knew i be going to jail so whats the difference in a cop living under me, when every one you see is a cop caller any way lol
Interesting way to look at it, I agree but it's about numbers right? There's probably LESS of a chance that a neighbor is going to smell it, know what it is, and figure it's the person above, I THINK. LOL Nothing scientific to add but that's how I'd look at it. You are increasing your chances of getting caught, that is all. I'd say, keep going but save a little of what you save on street prices so you have $5,000 for your lawyer so that they will get you out of jail if you get caught.... Or if you are a trust fund kid, get one on retainer LOL


Well-Known Member
Do you have a nice ass.... :bigjoint: lol
not nice enuff lol, I said fuck it and harvested, while harvesting her dad was there and fucking smelled it, lucky me he did not know where it was coming from I was triming that shit on my kitchen table when i here knock knock knock, It was dark I looked out the blind i was like ok its my boy coming to help me trim and hang it in my grow room where it would not stink... but fuck no it was that fucking cop, he said hey im chris you smell a skunk, I walked out on the porch and said hell yea I smell that shit he asked if i smoked pot I said no, he asked me if there was any one around here that smokes pot i said i know there is pill heads that live 2 doors down they stole my tarp, he said yea I bet thats where it is coming from I cant smell it that bad up here but i can on my daughter's front porch like crazy I guess he stayed the night with her kuz his car was still there but there lights was off. I called my dad and said come help me get this grow shit out of here, i took my trash off first then came back and got the rest trimmed it at my dads and now its drying been for days... what a fucking night


Well-Known Member
Interesting way to look at it, I agree but it's about numbers right? There's probably LESS of a chance that a neighbor is going to smell it, know what it is, and figure it's the person above, I THINK. LOL Nothing scientific to add but that's how I'd look at it. You are increasing your chances of getting caught, that is all. I'd say, keep going but save a little of what you save on street prices so you have $5,000 for your lawyer so that they will get you out of jail if you get caught.... Or if you are a trust fund kid, get one on retainer LOL
I was not going to chance it so i cut when it was finished the cutting was the prob not the growing I explained to some 1 else what happened


Well-Known Member
You need to move out to the boondocks I shoot guns out my windows no neighbors no cops I've been growing a bit of herb for years was just for myself but I bought more and more equipment now I'm an addict with more weed than any 1 man can smoke shit more hash then any one man can smoke and I only use trim to make hash. :bigjoint: Completely illegal here but you can't bust what you can't see apartments suck you get in an argument with your girl someone might call police.


Well-Known Member
You need to move out to the boondocks I shoot guns out my windows no neighbors no cops I've been growing a bit of herb for years was just for myself but I bought more and more equipment now I'm an addict with more weed than any 1 man can smoke shit more hash then any one man can smoke and I only use trim to make hash. :bigjoint: Completely illegal here but you can't bust what you can't see apartments suck you get in an argument with your girl someone might call police.
I live in a split house and it dose suck... im also moving hop i get some cash from a lawsuit this prick i beat the shit out of me ran my ass over and im suing his insurance i hope to god I win and hw goes to prison, my lawyer said I will get a big pay out kuz he ran me over literally where i was on a hill and he drove side ways in it to run me over it shifted the weight to the other side of the truck and saved my life, im still hilling up