confirm this is mag deficient please


Well-Known Member
Appears over fed to me. Notice the brown tips. A commercial grower with years of exp could of spotted that. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
thats a nice chart!!! real pretty! but i speak from and of EXPERIENCE......not sumthin i read or heard.... i do this for a livin! and im sayin 6.3 is crackin! the chart is cute though...the plain and simple truth of it is this..... each strain is different... and as such requires different things at diff times! charts are cool for the newbs! but they r jus guidelines.... ANY real commercial grower (ME) gonna tell u that u can do and get away with alot more than the books and charts say! and will never say cuz we aint tellin! but u stick wit it brah....when u can get 2 per light let me know... till then in regards to these tomatoes.... 2per is king!
No this guy...


Active Member
Woodsmaneh!, your avatar is seriously fucked up dude. Ima have nightmares tonight.

Here's some more shots folks. I'm out of epsom salts, and she was in need of water anyway so I mixed up 1 ml of CalMag in 1 litre of water, and dosed her with that until I had about 15% runoff, which I collected and did a ppm and ph test just to see where I'm at. We'll see what happens.

View attachment 1789054View attachment 1789052View attachment 1789051View attachment 1789050View attachment 1789049View attachment 1789048View attachment 1789055

EDIT - Anyone else see the purple as fuck stems? Don't know why I didn't see that before...
sorry didn't see these pics till just now. Looks like your specimen has outgrown its containers imo. Try repotting it in a 5 gallon container and give your roots some space to stretch out and have more medium to draw moisture from.


Active Member
It was transplanted just before moving to flowering. Checked the roots just last week by pulling it out of the pot gently, and it was nowhere near root-bound, plenty of space still left.

I've now had people say it's underfed AND overfed.

Obviously it's not just cut and dry, so how do I distinguish nute burn from nute deficiency? Is nute burn usually just the tips, or does it affect the leaf margins as well?


Active Member
I agree about a lot of purple reminded me my last hempy bucket...the plant show purple stems along with yellow and lime leaves, this plant is straving for nitgrogen but unable to digest, possible due to P flushed with it and tried different fertilizers , it got healthly once again...some picky strains dont like specific fertilizers...

Yo Buggins Im just speaking from my exprience, im not 100 percent about your situation but hopefully your plant will get healthy soon. Happy growing.
Thanks for the input. If the calmag doesn't solve the problem, the next step will be a flush and re-application of low dose balanced nutrients to see if corrects the issue.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input. If the calmag doesn't solve the problem, the next step will be a flush and re-application of low dose balanced nutrients to see if corrects the issue.
Dolomite Lime works for CalMag, right? Btw, looks def like a nute burn to me :P


Active Member
It was transplanted just before moving to flowering. Checked the roots just last week by pulling it out of the pot gently, and it was nowhere near root-bound, plenty of space still left.

I've now had people say it's underfed AND overfed.

Obviously it's not just cut and dry, so how do I distinguish nute burn from nute deficiency? Is nute burn usually just the tips, or does it affect the leaf margins as well?
Yes you're right it is never cut and dry. All I can hope to do is patch together what you are saying with what I am seeing. If you have repotted then fine, that's good. You repotted how long ago? 25 days? The dying leaves are developing toward the bottom of the specimen, this is an indication that it is a recent change that has slowed the rate of transpiration. Purple stems indicate lock out of phosphorous, this could happen for several reasons and doesnt necessarily indicate feed overdose or deficiency. My garden personally has taken a hit from the recent change in climate....we have hit the cold snap here and temp fluctuations have taken their toll on my ladies, they are taking it in stride it possible that is part of the problem?


Active Member
Yes you're right it is never cut and dry. All I can hope to do is patch together what you are saying with what I am seeing. If you have repotted then fine, that's good. You repotted how long ago? 25 days? The dying leaves are developing toward the bottom of the specimen, this is an indication that it is a recent change that has slowed the rate of transpiration. Purple stems indicate lock out of phosphorous, this could happen for several reasons and doesnt necessarily indicate feed overdose or deficiency. My garden personally has taken a hit from the recent change in climate....we have hit the cold snap here and temp fluctuations have taken their toll on my ladies, they are taking it in stride it possible that is part of the problem?
Yes, about 25 days ago. I always keep a close eye on my roots, pulling them out of the pots gently and inspecting every few weeks, and there is plenty of room here. Actually, root growth seems someone stunted, which would signal P lockout, correct?

The purple stems are really, really common with this strain. I had always assumed it was just a trait of this plant, as the buds turn very purple around 6 weeks too, and the stems go purple from about 4 weeks into veg onward. The temps are quite stable, 65-70 at night, 75-80 lights on.

This plant really has me stumped. Like I said before, none of my other strains growing in the exact same conditions exhibit any of these problems. They are thriving. I just HATE not knowing what the problem is. I want to be able to solve this so I know what to do in the future if it turns up again.

Here is what my gut tells me - its NOT nute burn. I've been very gentle with the fertilizers on this plant, it gets less than any of my other strains as it is a landrace indica, and doesn't have much vigour. It's NOT ph. I've been extremely diligent keeping her in the proper ph when I water and feed, and the soil is amended with dolomite lime to ensure a nice stable ph. It's NOT lockout due to salt buildup. The problem was already beginning to show up faintly before I re-potted, AND flushed. If it was salt buildup, the flush and fresh soil would have solved that. Do I know all of this for a FACT? No. But this is just what my feeling is from working with this plant closely, and controlling as many variables as I can.

This leaves me with the following: Deficiency of some kind. Or some sort of fungus or disease that I'm not familiar with.

I just don't see what else it could be.

I'm learning a lot from this plant, so I'm not upset about the problems, but I do want to get to the bottom of it. It will be very satisfying when and if I figure this out.


Well-Known Member
she looks mid stage K deficient; shes got burnt tips everywhere, and now yellowing. possible N deficiency with the lower leaves yellowing/dieing and the yellowing climbing up the plant. i think she a little hungry thats all

only use that cal/mag stuff every ~3rd watering, it tends to block N out if used every time you water.
heres some pics
View attachment 1791704potassium K.jpg

I still think the plant is hungry, and K deficient, and a little N deficient.


Well-Known Member
burn happenes at the tips OF NEWEST GROWTH. if the leaves that are old and near the base are yellowing its N deficiency, also the yellow/dieing will climb up the plant too.

burn kills a lot, really fast.


Active Member
burn happenes at the tips OF NEWEST GROWTH. if the leaves that are old and near the base are yellowing its N deficiency, also the yellow/dieing will climb up the plant too.

burn kills a lot, really fast.
That is a very helpful tip, thank you. So if my newest growth looks very healthy, it's certainly not burn correct? And that fact that it has not progressed quickly would also be evidence that it is not burn.

EDIT: That potassium deficiency illustration looks strikingly similar to my photos. Reading the description it sounds exactly how it has progressed too. Maybe this strain is very potassium hungry? If that isn't the case, then what would cause potassium to not be absorbed properly other than lockout due to salt buildup?


Well-Known Member
That is a very helpful tip, thank you. So if my newest growth looks very healthy, it's certainly not burn correct? And that fact that it has not progressed quickly would also be evidence that it is not burn.

EDIT: That potassium deficiency illustration looks strikingly similar to my photos. Reading the description it sounds exactly how it has progressed too. Maybe this strain is very potassium hungry? If that isn't the case, then what would cause potassium to not be absorbed properly other than lockout due to salt buildup?
Rock on dude and exactly the questions i would ask, great style and appresciation for learning, is how i did it too.

Ok so things aren't very easy and we all been there before, youv'e tried upping the ferts so try plain water for a few waterings dude, trust me this might reveal all one way or another plus this will give you some fresh soil with which to work with, please consider my idea as it will exagerate or cure the problem in a couple of weeks growth.

@Dirtysnowball, you certainly have commitment and see where you get the potassium from but the top of the plant seems to be telling a different story to the bottom of the plant, some say too much and some say too little whereas i just reckon pure water will show a lot more than hitting on certain deficiencies etc etc In the past this has been the only way i have solved problems that just wont go away. Good idea though but hasn't he upped the bloom to little effect already.

Lets keep this thread going till new growth looks good and problems go away, often i will judge the health on new growth only ignoring the state of the plant provided fan and other leaves are not gettingh any worse otherwise you end up correcting the past solved problems.

People want quick answers but it aint always that easy, keep it coming as i love to learn. Peace


Well-Known Member
Oh yer forgot to say that purple is NOT normally to do with strain more deficiency or overdose of ferts. I get it on young plants with too much ferts and same with older as well as one or two deficiencies, to me this points out probably overferting so fresh water but when i got rid of my purple stems and stalks i was amazed just how well they grew and hated on people who kept telling me it was strain related, i got white widow, is a white strain not purple but still people think its strain related. Peace


Well-Known Member
you probably just aren't feeding enough but thats just me, but lets skip that debate for now, what is your npk?

for example; this is the NPK i'm using; 8-12-16 for flowering every other watering.... i cant tell you that its perfect but its enough tp keep my plants healthy and non-deficienct. i always reccomened something in the area of 10-10-10, and that number is a estimated guideline, its not set in stone.

in veg i use close to the same thing, it seems to work pretty well since i've had some practice at this "nute ratio/ plant deficiency" stuff, but thats just me

you should show us some update pics i always love to see the MJ


Well-Known Member
you probably just aren't feeding enough but thats just me, but lets skip that debate for now, what is your npk?

for example; this is the NPK i'm using; 8-12-16 for flowering every other watering.... i cant tell you that its perfect but its enough tp keep my plants healthy and non-deficienct. i always reccomened something in the area of 10-10-10, and that number is a estimated guideline, its not set in stone.

in veg i use close to the same thing, it seems to work pretty well since i've had some practice at this "nute ratio/ plant deficiency" stuff, but thats just me

you should show us some update pics i always love to see the MJ
Wern't disputing you dude just adding water for two weeks would tell you if it was underfed too, would get way worse plus help clean soil a bit then all you'd do is start feeding again. Peace


Active Member
Update: The day after applying the extra CalMag (about 4 days ago now), I noticed the plant's bud growth had increased slightly, and the leaves were more 'perky' looking. Too hard to tell if it's slowed the progression on the problem I've described, but so far, it certainly does NOT look worse.

It was feeding time yesterday, so I decided to hit her with a regular dose of her weekly nutes. I figured if the problem is OVER feeding, then I should notice a pretty substantial worsening of the problem within a day or two after feeding, and that would give me a better indication of what the issue may be. If it looks better, the obviously she's needing more food and I can go from there.

As of this morning, I see no evidence of the symptoms worsening. I'm keeping a close eye on her though, and at the first sign of additional burn or any other indication of over-fertilization, I will flush her and apply a low dose of balanced nutrients.

I will keep you all updated, and thanks again for everyone's help and advice, it's always appreciated.


Active Member
Update 2: Another 4 days gone by, and I seemed to have put a halt on the progression. Obviously I don't expect a reversal of the damage to the affected leaves, but the problem has not gotten worse.

So obviously the problem was NOT over-fertilization and nute burn, as the extra feeding would have only amplified the symptoms.

It's looking like it was probably a lack of potassium. I'll see about getting some updated photos posted soon.