Confirm my worst fears


Well-Known Member
I am going to stay positive about the fact this is probably a male. It's only been 4.5 weeks since sprout and I have learnt a lot about growing indoors. This is the downfall about growing 1-2 plants. This plant was my main one and I bent it and made it all bushy, the other still hasn't flowered but it's bagseed anyway so I wont clone it.

This photo shows what's all over the plant. Little sacs, some of them are splitting and inside they are blackish?

Anyway, let me know what you guys think. Is it a male?



Well-Known Member
it does look male but id give it a little longer so ya know for sure


Well-Known Member
looks like a male. if i was u id take it away from the other plant if u can - just to be sure


Well-Known Member
Are those things in clumps anywhere on the plant? You know like a bunch of grapes? If so it is a male but I can't be for sure just looking at the 1 "ball",has to be a group of balls before I make a final decision but for now im leaning towards male but wait a bit to be sure I have had 1 ballers fool me.


Active Member
id wait it out. i had little balls like that on mine, but they weren't in groups, just one in each place, and they they turned out to bloom in fem. flowers


Active Member
Honestly, I can't tell either. I'm just going to say what most others are... wait it out. Until you see groups of balls, don't do anything to it. But I agree with Smokeh, get it away from your other plant just in case.


Well-Known Member
Group of balls! Ok got it. I've been checking out all the pics on the net and the early pics showed one ball for male and a long white hair for females. But I'll keep it going to get a better idea.

Here's to hope!