Compassion leans toward the left


New Member
Or Why I Lean Left
The feeling of utter desperation came over her as she set on the bench waiting for the bus to arrive. In one hand she held an expired bus transfer, in her arms, her 6 week old baby. She had spent her last dollar to make the trip down to DHHS and now, after a futile day, she wasn't sure she would be able to get home.
With her savings gone and now no money coming in, she didn't know how she was going to feed her baby. She was running out of formula, and there was barely any food in the cabinets for herself. DHHS told her there would be a six week processing, they had to file for child support against her husband. They directed her to the unemployment office, but she couldn't file until she had a doctor's release. "How do I get to the doctor when I have no money to get there". She'll never forget the shrug from the man behind the desk. So here she sat on the bench, waiting for the bus, hoping the driver will have compassion on her and let her ride, biting back the tears that threatened to flow.
As the GOP candidates gear up to discuss abortion and terrorism again, and American's contemplate whether Paris Hilton will do her full time or not.

Too many of America's children are going hungry tonight. The story above, is not unique and it's not new. Too many parents have faced and are facing the question on just how they're going to feed their children, just as I did, 18 years ago. Yes, I was the mother in that story. I faced the situation after giving birth to my daughter. It's a long story and I won't bore you with the details on how I got there.
Luckily for me, providence stepped in and my (ex) husband showed up with formula the next day, while a check from my parents arrived in the mail. Not two days later, the company I temped with offered me a job. It was an 8.50 an hour job, decent wages but better yet, full coverage health insurance. I was lucky, but many aren't. Many parents do not have the backup and support that I had and still have. No one is immuned from facing this situation. We've seen it in 1928 with the stock market crash, where even the rich were standing in soup lines. We've seen it recently when Katrina went through displacing thousands of families. We've seen it with families whose jobs were outsourced. It's not that far of a drop to put anyone of us one fire, one disaster, one plant closure, one paycheck away.
Over the past six years, the "compassionate conservatives" in power, preached family values, hailed the sanctity of marriage, while all the time cutting social programs that would assist our children. They've attempted to cut the school lunch programs, made cuts to Medicaid and even decreased the funding for the "dead beat dad" programs. They've given grants to missionaries under the faith based initiaives to feed and minister to the poor in third world countries, with little oversight on exactly how this money was spent.
We've seen National Guard members return from a war, only to find their jobs no longer there. We saw a tax bill that allowed jobs to be outsourced to foreign countries, leaving thousands without a job.
It was the WIC program that allowed me to buy milk for my daughter, so I could put gas in my car to go to work. It was a child care subsidies program that allowed me to not only to work, but stay off of food stamps plus pay into a crappy health insurance plan for my daughter. It was a government grant that allowed me to go to college and gain an education. This education has removed the need for my family and myself to require the assistance of further government aid.
As compassionate as the right wants to claim they are, it's the left that has created the programs that help the disadvantage children. It's the left that looks to the needs of our elderly. It's the left that fights for those who are unable to fight for themselves. Why I lean left? Because everyone needs a hand up when they find themselves one paycheck away.


Well-Known Member
I certainly agree medicinewoman.
There is way to much that needs to be adressed.
Why are we helping all these other countries and letting things like this slide here in our own?

I think Sally Struthers needs to tour america instead of Africa.
Just the misdirected charities alone would make a huge difference.

I think we need nationwide free health care for tax paying americans.
There should be not prefernetial treatment.

I could go on and on.


Well-Known Member
this article is an emotional rant from someone who probably believes that gore was robbed and socialism is a warm, fuzzy place.

the leftist stance on this issue is to mechanize a formulaic government response rather than to facilitate real human involvement (charity, community based solutions, private sector solutions where people are actually held accountable). it's hard to believe that anyone would consider the cold government machinery of the left compassionate....amazing.

Compassion: Conservatives vs Liberals...

WORLD Magazine | Weekly News, Christian Views

Liberals want to Give to others as long as it doesnt come from their pockets.
that sums it up.



New Member
this article is an emotional rant from someone who probably believes that gore was robbed and socialism is a warm, fuzzy place.

the leftist stance on this issue is to mechanize a formulaic government response rather than to facilitate real human involvement (charity, community based solutions, private sector solutions where people are actually held accountable). it's hard to believe that anyone would consider the cold government machinery of the left compassionate....amazing.

that sums it up.

Whats amazing, is the right wings take on social justice or rather injustice. Let the strong survive and crush the weak, the jungle philosophy. Compassion is a four letter word to conservatives, like "Fuck"-the poor and disadvantaged, they might be using my tax money to eat, fuck them, let them starve and as far as health care, "fuck" them if they get sick and cant afford a doctor, let them die. You neo-cons are inhuman selfish pigs. When your "God" sees the way you've treated those less fortunate among you with such disregard and meanness, I'm sure you'll be in for a trip south, and then my friends, I'll be laughing my ass off.



New Member
From Rosie's cut & Paste:

"She'll never forget the shrug from the man behind the desk."

No matter how many times we've explained it to ya Med, you just remain stone-blind to the truth. The "man behind the desk" is a government bureaucrat who lives in a dusty, non-caring pigeon hole of a government agency. Can I ask you why the woman in the article didn't go to Catholic Charities or The Salvation Army? Those peope REALLY care and would have done something to help.



Well-Known Member
Dr Williams dose an outstanding job explaining the error in the logic behind the Liberals idea of compassion....

Excerpt from:

Compassion Versus Reality
By Walter E. Williams
Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Liberals love to talk about this or that human right, such as a right to health care, food or housing. That's a perverse usage of the term "right." A right, such as a right to free speech, imposes no obligation on another, except that of non-interference. The so-called right to health care, food or housing, whether a person can afford it or not, is something entirely different; it does impose an obligation on another. If one person has a right to something he didn't produce, simultaneously and of necessity it means that some other person does not have right to something he did produce. That's because, since there's no Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy, in order for government to give one American a dollar, it must, through intimidation, threats and coercion, confiscate that dollar from some other American. I'd like to hear the moral argument for taking what belongs to one person to give to another person.
There are people in need of help. Charity is one of the nobler human motivations. The act of reaching into one's own pockets to help a fellow man in need is praiseworthy and laudable. Reaching into someone else's pocket is despicable and worthy of condemnation.

Full article at... Versus Reality::By Walter E. Williams


Well-Known Member
It seem the thingt ass right wing is paroind, and thinking that america is greatest country and everyone wants something from them/us, OPEN YOUR MIND and RELAX:peace:


New Member
Dr Williams dose an outstanding job explaining the error in the logic behind the Liberals idea of compassion....

Excerpt from:

Compassion Versus Reality
By Walter E. Williams
Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Liberals love to talk about this or that human right, such as a right to health care, food or housing. That's a perverse usage of the term "right." A right, such as a right to free speech, imposes no obligation on another, except that of non-interference. The so-called right to health care, food or housing, whether a person can afford it or not, is something entirely different; it does impose an obligation on another. If one person has a right to something he didn't produce, simultaneously and of necessity it means that some other person does not have right to something he did produce. That's because, since there's no Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy, in order for government to give one American a dollar, it must, through intimidation, threats and coercion, confiscate that dollar from some other American. I'd like to hear the moral argument for taking what belongs to one person to give to another person.
There are people in need of help. Charity is one of the nobler human motivations. The act of reaching into one's own pockets to help a fellow man in need is praiseworthy and laudable. Reaching into someone else's pocket is despicable and worthy of condemnation.

Full article at... Versus Reality::By Walter E. Williams
More boring right wing selfish bullshit, as in fuck you, I've got mine. This notion that someone is better than anyone else and deserves to be held in special esteem is the work of crazy people with way too much money. There are many people that are as smart, as capable and as deserving that never got a chance. To rule over them with some misconstrued superiority complex is fucking insane The rich pricks will tell you that everyone has the same chance as them to get rich. Nothing is further from the truth. The happenstance of a poor person getting rich (Barring the Lotto) is like 100,000 to 1, maybe higher. The only ones that are guaranteed a place at the trough are the offspring of rich people. So a rich person can say, lets privatize everything. The people don't need any social programs, and for the rich, they'd be right. It's the poor that will suffer under an abolishment of social programs, so IMHO, Fuck Dr. Williams


Well-Known Member
Hey med...
Brilliant, convincing and substantive rebuttal...(not!) miss the point by a country mile.....*lol*
It is freedom which has produced the greatest abundance for the most people in the entire history of mankind.
This is an undeniable truth which continues to elude you!


Well-Known Member
:clap: Meds right did you know your chances of making more then the middle class wage if you where born in the middle class is 1 out of 10, If your born in the lower classes its even harder to go to college or get a job.
Most people want to grow up and make more money then there parents but it has been proven that you will never be better off then your parents.:peace:


Well-Known Member
it seems that too many people confuse government programs with actual compassion...

the people staffing those government outposts don't give a crap about making life better for their "clients", they just want to further entangle the government into every aspect of their lives. it's called JOB SECURITY.

:clap: Meds right did you know your chances of making more then the middle class wage if you where born in the middle class is 1 out of 10, If your born in the lower classes its even harder to go to college or get a job.
Most people want to grow up and make more money then there parents but it has been proven that you will never be better off then your parents.:peace:
i just don't know what to say to this nonsense. the middle class is quite broad and i've seen many many friends and family go to the upper reaches of it while their parents were at the bottom... you're saying growing up in a $30,000/year level and going to $150,000/yr isn't an accomplishment?

better off than parents????

harder for lower class to go to get a job/go to college??? sure, i can understand that many would rather maintain the status quo than work harder, but what's this got to do with income?

please link to these facts of yours.



Well-Known Member
I will look for a link but i got it out of my Socialogy book and class notes(Blinn College). And while growing up with an income of 30,000 up to 150,000 is accomplishment. but back when you where growing up 30,000 was enough to afford things you need for your family, but the price of living has gone way up making your 150,000 enough for you to afford things you need for your family. Think about it has anything really change from when you where a kid, Do you really do more then your parents are you more secure then your parents.

What i am saying is, the price of living has gone up since the 60's 70's 80's 90's and finally 2000:peace:


New Member
Hey med...
Brilliant, convincing and substantive rebuttal...(not!) miss the point by a country mile.....*lol*
It is freedom which has produced the greatest abundance for the most people in the entire history of mankind.
This is an undeniable truth which continues to elude you!
The truth is staring me in the face, Wavels, If you were born poor, your chances of dying poor are about 100,000 to 1, You may be able to pull yourself into lower middle class status, but with the influx of illegal immigrants, the offshoring of jobs, the laying off of hundred of thousands of good paying middle class jobs and the incessant greed of the elites, your odds are pretty slim that you'll ever get out of the ghetto. the only way to make a buck is to sell drugs to the kids of the elites. I don't know where all your idealistic bullshit comes from or what kind of sheltered life you have lived, but in the real world, facts is facts. Freedom, by the way, is slipping away faster than greased lightning. Be careful what you say or you may end up in a Gulag.


Well-Known Member
i just want to make sure no one believes that economic class is an inherited predisposition. the class of your upbringing is simply a suggestion, it's a familiar way of living that you can embrace or ignore.

what we have in America at the moment is a shortage of passion and dreams; we have no shortage of opportunity. there will never be a shortage of opportunity for those who seek it.



New Member
We do not have a class system in this country ... and that's one of the major blessings about living here. The defeatist attitudes displayed here in this thread by Med and Token is simply not true.

And, I find it very interesting that Token finds defeatism in his college texts. Interesting, but not suprising.



New Member
i just want to make sure no one believes that economic class is an inherited predisposition. the class of your upbringing is simply a suggestion, it's a familiar way of living that you can embrace or ignore.

what we have in America at the moment is a shortage of passion and dreams; we have no shortage of opportunity. there will never be a shortage of opportunity for those who seek it.

You are crazy. Opportunity is exactly what is missing from the equation. You can get all the education money can buy and not be able to find a job because there are people in india that will do it cheaper. They are outsourcing engineering for gods sake, once a bastion of American enterprise. The white collar jobs are going to India and the blue collar jobs are being done by illegals. the only jobs still open for WASPS are family owned businesses and Crime. It may not be as dire as I present here, but it is only a matter of time. We are witnessing the fall of the American empire before our very eyes.