Commercial Rosin Press Suggestions Please


Well-Known Member
It's that time again people, I got past being burnt out running numbers and I'm back to business planning.

Looking for suggestions for commercial presses. Right now my main options seem to be

Triminator TRP Stack (advertised 1.5 lbs max per pressing)

Sasquatch 2.5 (25 Ton 2 oz per pressing)

Anyone have personal experience with either? Alterantives?

So far I like that the sasquatch is compatible with the small air compressor I already own- the Triminator stack requires a much larger unit.

Ideally whichever I go with I'd love to find used gear.... either way 8k is the highest I want to invest on my biz plan.

The standard Triminator TRP is also on my list as an option. Advertised 4.5 Oz max per press and it's compatible with my air compressor...and about 1500 cheaper than the sasquatch.