Coco growers


Well-Known Member
I always have buffered my coco to ph 6.0, but this run and the previous have been buffered to ph 5.8 and I'm liking it better as they're less fussy


Well-Known Member
This gets deep and funky in places, but does talk about coco buffering. (Contains some bogus methods imo.)

KISS. Seems logical to buffer near the same same Ph as the nutrient juices to be used.



Well-Known Member
This gets deep and funky in places, but does talk about coco buffering. (Contains some bogus methods imo.)

KISS. Seems logical to buffer near the same same Ph as the nutrient juices to be used.
I was just surprised you suggested ph 5 for buffering, looks like it may have been a typo.


Well-Known Member
I'm lazy and never buffer. Right from pot into new coco. If they start to yellow I just foliar feed a couple times till the coco catches up.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
I like Mills DNA coco with Cork. Good right out of the bag, no buffering, no dealing with a brick. I have run some plants to finish in it and this run I am converting 100% to the coco.
Are you still a fan of this product? Looking to start purchasing a lot of coco.


Well-Known Member
Another person who uses and has only used canna coco professional in hempy buckets. worked well, but i'm going to be adding perlite to 70% coco 30% perlite ratio because i fed every day anyway so want to see the difference in growth rates.

Always get those springtails in it. do you guys let them be or kill them? i've read for and against. some say they're harmless, but if there is no dead organic matter they attack your healthy plant?


Well-Known Member
Another person who uses and has only used canna coco professional in hempy buckets. worked well, but i'm going to be adding perlite to 70% coco 30% perlite ratio because i fed every day anyway so want to see the difference in growth rates.

Always get those springtails in it. do you guys let them be or kill them? i've read for and against. some say they're harmless, but if there is no dead organic matter they attack your healthy plant?
Canna makes a nice uniform product. You should do a side by side with perlite and without. I stopped using it a long time ago, but I never tried a side by side grow.


Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I was curious as to the drain to waste coco growers, as to which coco brand you use and which you like.
I was going to buy some cyco coco (green bag), but the guy at the grow store said those do not sell. I was wanting to get some advice from some seasoned growers.
Also, do you prefer perlite or rice hulls in your coco?
I’ll personally grow in Canna Coco Professional Plus and mix with perlite seems to be bang on for me

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
I would prefer to buy it in bags but I don't have Canna dealers within a 2 hour radius of me which means I need to order it online. And I've spent hours searching places to buy it and the shipping charges are brutal. Mills will ship for next to nothing. I'm just trying to find the cleanest and hassle free coco. The best deal I've found on canna is a pallet of (70) 50L bags for $1400 shipped but that is way more than I need.


Well-Known Member
I would prefer to buy it in bags but I don't have Canna dealers within a 2 hour radius of me which means I need to order it online. And I've spent hours searching places to buy it and the shipping charges are brutal. Mills will ship for next to nothing. I'm just trying to find the cleanest and hassle free coco. The best deal I've found on canna is a pallet of (70) 50L bags for $1400 shipped but that is way more than I need.
At that scale, bricks are much cheaper, but I get the convenience factor of bags-I use them in the winter if I was too lazy to rinse/charge a big batch of coco when the weather was nice. I also like the hydrofarm coco-the Grow It stuff, might be worth checking out the price on that too.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
It's a good product but I did have issues with the pH crashing. This may be due to the cork? I have went away from coco and am giving perlite a go in my next run.
Were you adding perlite or just running it as is? I always add coarse perlite to coco.


Well-Known Member
I like mothers earth coco with perilite. I mix one bag of coco loco to one bag of mothers earth with perilite. I used to just run straight coco/perilite but had some coco loco around for mothers and babies in cups. So I used what I had and mixed the coco loco with coco and had great results. So I've just continued using it this way.

I like it better because I don't have to rinse anything I just mix em together and put in pots,when I tried this with coco it would slow me down a week, guess should've buffered it better but that's kinda mess on scale.

I treat my mix just like coco as far as nutes and watering and it works great. I have tried straight coco loco and find I get better results with the mix.

I hit 3+ per de 1k fixture last run with this mix handwatering once per day.

I use AN sensi coco, or Connie coco nutes lately as sensi bloom always seems to be out of stock. I feed in the 700-1000 ppm range depending on the needs of the plants and get almost no run off(not cause I don't want too but i dont have tables get for drainage and my big ass shop vac is hard to drag down the isle.)


Well-Known Member
I run Canna Coco and full line of Canna nutes. I tend to go back and forth between PK13 and GH Liquid KoolBloom. Think I like the LKB the best.
That being said I do not use the Canna recommended rates for A&B and reduce the rates for both the Cannazym and Boost, but not by much for the Zym and boost.
I believe Less Is More, and have a work sheet on how to use Less Is More so you do not run into Cal/Mag issues. If you run their recommended rates you don't have C/M issues but those rates are extremely high. IMHO


Active Member
Can I add a question about Nutes and Coco here?
I've got House and Garden A/B nutes and I use canna Rhyzotonic. I also use a CalMag supplement Greentek. It says it has trace elements BUT, and here is the question... Does anyone here who grows in Coco ever add any extra trace elements such as iron, boron, manganese, copper etc.? I feel I follow the schedule pretty close and yety leaves are turning dark purple as if I have a lack of sulphur perhaps. Should I try adding separate trace elements?
