Club 600


Well-Known Member
lol I love this club :lol: you guys are funny as hell. Iv been away for a lil and popped in to say a word or two but just got all caught back up on everything :-) I dont know if you all remember how bad I had mites last run but Iv managed to finally do something right because they are nowhere to be found :-D will share the steps I took in a lengthy post later tonight.

As always looking hella nice in the 6!!! too many to name.


Well-Known Member
Genius Pots AND the Fairy in one swoop. Who says Mondays suck? Sorry, but obviously I have to go. I'll be back.



Well-Known Member
Evening gents, Bill, is that the pic from Duchie that I couldn't open the link, or your pic? Lovely looking bud either way!

After I made the bubble hash today, I emptied the mulch back into the main bucket I use and it still smelled like lemon cup cakes....made me think, should I use it for something.

So question, what does everyone do with the mulch after they have done a bubble hash run?

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
:) I gotta get back and watch that vid whodat. Hey D, that was my pic, I took the restrictions off of it so you should be able to view it now. So my mix is done and nice and warm and fluffy, and so far one Jack Hammer and 2 Extremas are enjoying their new homes. Cheeseberry Haze up next.


Well-Known Member
Evening gents, Bill, is that the pic from Duchie that I couldn't open the link, or your pic? Lovely looking bud either way!

After I made the bubble hash today, I emptied the mulch back into the main bucket I use and it still smelled like lemon cup cakes....made me think, should I use it for something.

So question, what does everyone do with the mulch after they have done a bubble hash run?

Peace, DST
It's a close-up of Duchie's bud, I just blew up a small portion of it.


Well-Known Member
Evening gents, Bill, is that the pic from Duchie that I couldn't open the link, or your pic? Lovely looking bud either way!

After I made the bubble hash today, I emptied the mulch back into the main bucket I use and it still smelled like lemon cup cakes....made me think, should I use it for something.

So question, what does everyone do with the mulch after they have done a bubble hash run?

Peace, DST
I was wondering the same thing. I just finished making some bubble hash a few minutes ago and was just going to throw them out but now you've got me thinking.

I've only made hash a couple of times before so I'm still getting the hang of it and mine seems to be more green than some others I see on here. I need a pressing screen I think too so I can have an easier time getting the moisture out.

I have another question, do you guys put your hash in the freezer after it dries a bit to take out any remaining moisture? I read somewhere that some people do this but I haven't before. I've just laid it out on some cardboard spread out for a bit while cleaning up and then pressed it in some paper towels a few times and then let it sit to dry on it's own.
What does everyone else do?


Well-Known Member
50 bud sites damn! Are you going to grow that plant outside all season? If so she is going to be a monster!!!!!!!! :weed:
I have clones from her that will go in the greenhouse once it is complete, she is currently on day 5 12/12 mix of dual 400's and the sun, supposed to be getting a 600 here real soon though.


Well-Known Member
Oh man Bill, you know I'm liking this shot! Your gonna have to tell me how you shot it and what with.

Morning everyone. Just popping in to spend some time catching up on things before I head off to bed for a bit. Been smoking some of my Purp lately and also scored a new bong from a buddie, all I had to do was replace the busted inner stem. Ended up grabbing a whole new piece for 15 bucks and Bob's your uncle! Anyway, loaded a killer bowl, put on some tunes and went Hurricane (as in Reuben Carter) on the place, got stuff done I've been trying to get to for months and am now chilling while I bask in my accomplishment. Was it the strain? We'll just have to see but after my wife gets up in the morning, and it happens again, and she figures out it is the strain, then I could see her getting on the phone and placing the order for another batch of these seeds for me. Ha ha. Well gonna haul a good nighter, sit down at the display and see what your all up to.

I was gonna ask how long till roots show....saw yer post. Mine have been at least that long and no roots....?!?


Well-Known Member
I was gonna ask how long till roots show....saw yer post. Mine have been at least that long and no roots....?!?
Did you use clonex? Some strains just don't like to be cloned, and others only via certain methods. My bubba's dont like any sort of aero cloning, are resistant to bubble systems, and just like plain soil rooting.


Well-Known Member
Genius Pots are way more than Smart! There frickin Genius!

Wow am I beat. I hope these girls appreciate it. Well Bill, I'm loving these. It's gonna be pretty hard getting me back into a hard pot. There just so easy to work with, Really no muss, no fuss. The little plastic trays are from the dollar store and have little wheels under them that really work well and the pots fit them perfect. I scoot them across my floor like shuffleboard rocks, lol. The little green clips you see are also a score from the dollar store and also work perfect with these. I'm not a religious person by any means but if there really is a Ganja God, then he's definitely looking down on me. Anyhow, I'm tired and will post more on my thread later but in the meantime I'll treat myself to a nice relaxing bow and relish a job well done.

G'nite gents.
Genius Pots 001_2.jpgGenius Pots 002.jpgGenius Pots 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
Genius Pots are way more than Smart! There frickin Genius!

Wow am I beat. I hope these girls appreciate it. Well Bill, I'm loving these. It's gonna be pretty hard getting me back into a hard pot. There just so easy to work with, Really no muss, no fuss. The little plastic trays are from the dollar store and have little wheels under them that really work well and the pots fit them perfect. I scoot them across my floor like shuffleboard rocks, lol. The little green clips you see are also a score from the dollar store and also work perfect with these. I'm not a religious person by any means but if there really is a Ganja God, then he's definitely looking down on me. Anyhow, I'm tired and will post more on my thread later but in the meantime I'll treat myself to a nice relaxing bow and relish a job well done.

G'nite gents.
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Lookin good my man, just wait till that root ball fills out, you will be amazed!!!