Club 600


Well-Known Member
You been sitting on yer thumb again lad lol....looks kind of sticky.

Watched that Trust me I am doctor programme last night....Holy moly if they are only squirting peoples poop up other people's backside in the name of medicine. Apparently the procedure has an almost 90% success rate of curing verbal dihorea :) but only for those who currently speak out their backsides......I am in for the procedure next week lol


Well-Known Member
Last year at "trim camp" < lol, I had a big ol glob of resin on my thumb like that, I proceeded to light it up and smoke directly off my finger :eyesmoke: it was a first :-)

Got the word this morning, I'm invited back to the same spot but to help with harvest, not trimming, I'm moving on up lol

I'm def gonna learn some ins and outs on the harvest/drying procedures of larger operations, I'm excited.

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Well-Known Member
On a harvesting note. I chopped my Plemon today. I think I may have over watered it....It was in a 6 gallon ffs. Went a bit mad with the pot size. Anyway, all the stems where as floppy as floppy thing and the buds get quite large so it was looking like a discarded chicken chow mein on a Friday night.


Well-Known Member
Must of been floppy thru all the weight ;) plemons pretty girl ain't she mate...purple bud sells like hotcakes around here its guava dawg is bowing signs she might throw some colour out I hope she does its something nice to look at isn't it, well the butty skudge is tasty for sure the only good thing about trimming and what not is the hash u get :fire: is there any colour in the trichs on the plems?


Well-Known Member
No sunglasses for grow lights protect yo eyes....ahhh I've seen that sheeting you'll have to let us know what its like mate...I've heard off a few folk now to runny and viscous so you can pour it out onto your mat or whatever you use I'm a give it a go next time


Well-Known Member
Looks like the Puff.
My condolences on loosing your grandpa, grandparents are very special people.

Thanks bro. He lived a long life, so when he got cancer at 85 (the quick kind that gives you 6 months) he was still in good spirits and happy that it was a fast cancer so he didn't have to suffer very long and it came after most of his life has been lived. I'll miss him alot :(

Just finished the rest of the Headbanger harvest, my instincts were right, the number 1 pheno was so much more killer in all aspects then the number 2 (though at first in early flower I thought #2 was the winner) glad I kept this beaut :) nothing to trim for 7 days woo-hoo!!!!


Well-Known Member
My order of worms and my worm factory came in this week.

Anyone else use these tray systems before or do you all just use Rubbermaid tubs?

Tried a homemade tub once before but didn't go well. Its been a while since then and getting tired of buying so much castings, so figured I'd just buy a nice one and try it again.

I got high hopes. The tray system seems like it'll make things easier.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. He lived a long life, so when he got cancer at 85 (the quick kind that gives you 6 months) he was still in good spirits and happy that it was a fast cancer so he didn't have to suffer very long and it came after most of his life has been lived. I'll miss him alot :(

Just finished the rest of the Headbanger harvest, my instincts were right, the number 1 pheno was so much more killer in all aspects then the number 2 (though at first in early flower I thought #2 was the winner) glad I kept this beaut :) nothing to trim for 7 days woo-hoo!!!!
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Not that I want you to have to think about it too hard but i'm honestly curious,
Did your grandfather use any cannabis to relieve his symptoms?
Serious props to him being in good spirits having to go through that, he must have been a beast


Well-Known Member
Not that I want you to have to think about it too hard but i'm honestly curious,
Did your grandfather use any cannabis to relieve his symptoms?
Serious props to him being in good spirits having to go through that, he must have been a beast
It's OK, ask any questions you'd like, I've helped a number of people with different ailments.. My grandfather wasn't one though I did send some things back east for him to use if he wanted to, but he is a hardcore Catholic. He's not against Marijuana by any means, he knows what I do and has always known, but it's probably just the legal barrier that scared him to not trying it. He got cancer in the spine, and I know mj wouldn't have cured him even in the least way, but it may have helped him with the pain (rso), but I even doubt myself that mj would have had any beneficial effects for him. It sucked because he was on super heavy doses of morphine and just out of it for the last couple weeks. He lost the ability to walk and they couldn't even operate due to where the cancer was. It must have been so painful, he was such a awesome man


Well-Known Member
It's OK, ask any questions you'd like, I've helped a number of people with different ailments.. My grandfather wasn't one though I did send some things back east for him to use if he wanted to, but he is a hardcore Catholic. He's not against Marijuana by any means, he knows what I do and has always known, but it's probably just the legal barrier that scared him to not trying it. He got cancer in the spine, and I know mj wouldn't have cured him even in the least way, but it may have helped him with the pain (rso), but I even doubt myself that mj would have had any beneficial effects for him. It sucked because he was on super heavy doses of morphine and just out of it for the last couple weeks. He lost the ability to walk and they couldn't even operate due to where the cancer was. It must have been so painful, he was such a awesome man
Dang yo I totally understand.

I have chronic nausea that has had me in the hospital twice, with another two bouts of extreme flare ups that I greatly would have preferred to go to the hospital for. I've been prescribed Ondansetron and Hydrocodone/apap on both occasions. In these cases I had thrown up so much that my muscles felt like they were being torn apart and I was throwing up decent amounts of blood.

Cannabis is easily 5x more potent on the anti nausea than Ondansetron was, and Ondansetron is the med they give to individuals going through chemotherapy.

IMO one of cannabis's greatest strengths (even though I rarely enjoy using it) is the fact that it shits on nausea; hence my curiosity.

I don't think MJ would have necessarily cured his cancer, but i do think it would have been some relief

Its some real bullshit that the government scared who sounds like an awesome dude away from such incredible symptom relief.


Well-Known Member
Dang yo I totally understand.

I have chronic nausea that has had me in the hospital twice, with another two bouts of extreme flare ups that I greatly would have preferred to go to the hospital for. I've been prescribed Ondansetron and Hydrocodone/apap on both occasions. In these cases I had thrown up so much that my muscles felt like they were being torn apart and I was throwing up decent amounts of blood.

Cannabis is easily 5x more potent on the anti nausea than Ondansetron was, and Ondansetron is the med they give to individuals going through chemotherapy.

IMO one of cannabis's greatest strengths (even though I rarely enjoy using it) is the fact that it shits on nausea; hence my curiosity.

I don't think MJ would have necessarily cured his cancer, but i do think it would have been some relief

Its some real bullshit that the government scared who sounds like an awesome dude away from such incredible symptom relief.
That's great bro! I too think that mj is AWESOME for nausea. Probably the best for nausea imo. Also works wonders on my gf's monthly cramps. She also gets hiccups for some reason or another quite often, and the last two times she Got them, I told her to hit the bong. Instantly gone! Not sure how or why, but it did work on the spot instant. I use mj for back pain from 3 screwed up discs. I also have sciatica, some strains don't help the nerve pain, but some work great, especially concentrates. I also have high BP, I stopped taking my BP meds about 3 months ago (and didn't tell my doctor) just because I was feeling like my BP was fine. Last 3 checkups my BP is perfect, not sure if it's from the mj or not, but many aspects of my health problems have been getting better since using mj daily. I have random bouts of feeling like crap from some sort of auto immune disorder that I still haven't been told which one, but smoking helps minimize the shitty feeling (nausea, headaches ect)

I too wish the law hadn't scared so many people who could have benefited from it, it's madness when alcohol is the real demon